Coming back to GW


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Well I quit right before the first expansion came out and I was wondering what the deal is with these expansions, so here are some questions for you guys.

Should I get Factions or Nightfall first?

Just to make sure, when people say Prophecies are they referring to original Guild Wars?

What is the focus of each expansion?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Dragons Will Eat Your [Face]


Prophecies = Original Guild Wars
Factions = More PvP based
Nightfall = More PvE based

Choose your weapon




Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand

Im Targeting The Ghostly (HeRo)


A lot of people hate factions and a few love it. There are mixed opinions about the replayability of Nightfall.

It really depends on what you want, pve or pvp. IMO the new professions in Nightfall are much more fun than the ones in Factions.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by EatMoreCarbs
Prophecies = Original Guild Wars
Factions = More PvP based
Nightfall = More PvE based

Choose your weapon
UGH, factions was not more pvp based... factions is a short campaign, with a bad and predictable storyline, with 1 mediocre class (rits), and it has many pointless sidedealings to do (elite missions, challenge missions, alliance battles, etc.)

Nightfall is a longer campaign, it has a few of the same sidedealings as factions (an elite mission, challenge missions), but it also has new things added with it (heros, hero battles), and the two added professions are superior to the ones in factions imo (Dervish and Paragon), although I am a fan of the assassin

tbh I enjoy both for different reasons, but as of now I am a bigger fan of nightfall than factions


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Nightfall is far, far superior to factions, from a PvE point of view.

The story-line is, IMHO, the best of the three. Your character becomes a central figure in the goings on. The voice acting is much, much better than what factions has to offer.

20 missions (but only have to do 17 to get through the game) vs the 13 in factions.

They threw in some things to give the place a "real-world" (in a fantasy game kind of way) feel to Elona, such the place where you come across a funeral being conducted.

Bonuses: In factions, to get the Masters bonus, all but two missions have to be done under a certian amount of time. In Nightfall, there are several different types of things you have to do to get the Masters bonus- keep these people alive in one, go find and kill certian guys in another, don't hurt these people in another, etc. (Yes, there are a couple of timed missions as well.)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


Tbh i'd recommend Factions before Nightfall should you be buying them both that is.
Ok Factions wasn't the best of the three but it's still playable... and the moaning about 'how Factions sucked' is all bull... you all played it and till Nightfall was released you all loved it.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Russell.Crowe

Nightfall is a longer campaign, it has a few of the same sidedealings as factions (an elite mission, challenge missions), but it also has new things added with it (heros, hero battles), and the two added professions are superior to the ones in factions imo (Dervish and Paragon), although I am a fan of the assassin

Sorry, I disagree. Any profession, including the assassin and ritualist, can hold its own if played well.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Lost Keys to Perception {lost}


I say go with Nightfall first to get you into the game with a bang. The areas and storyline are nice and it introduces many new things that are great. After a while you can get Factions for the skills, some AB (fun), ang experiment with the new classes and armor. Btw, I think most factions armors are better designed than Nightfall armor in terms of looks. At least, from what Ive seen. Just an opinion.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Oct 2006


Runners of the Rose [RR]


Originally Posted by Russell.Crowe
UGH, factions was not more pvp based... factions is a short campaign, with a bad and predictable storyline, with 1 mediocre class (rits),
Both assassin and ritualist are very good if played well. A guildmate of mine henched masters from every single Nightfall mission with his assassin without much trouble (read: only tried each mission once or twice before getting masters), and generally laughs at people who say assassin is a worthless class. I play a ritualist as a secondary character, and have done very well with it too. It all depends on how much time you take to get to know your class and it's strengths and weaknesses.

As for which one to get, get Factions first. It might not be as new and shiny as Nightfall, but there's a lot of content in Nightfall that ties in with Factions and Prophecies. If you are planning on getting both anyway at some point, you'll get Factions spoiled for you if you play Nightfall first.
The feel of Factions is asian, and the feel of Nightfall is african. Both might feel a bit odd at first if you're used to european fantasy (like Prophecies), but they quickly start feeling like a second home.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Phoolz Like Us


Originally Posted by Shaden
I say go with Nightfall first to get you into the game with a bang. The areas and storyline are nice and it introduces many new things that are great. After a while you can get Factions for the skills, some AB (fun), ang experiment with the new classes and armor. Btw, I think most factions armors are better designed than Nightfall armor in terms of looks. At least, from what Ive seen. Just an opinion.
I'd agree with this poster. I wouldn't suggest going into Factions right now as there are some outposts that are pretty dead, and it may be difficult to get a party up for a mission or quest (unless you don't mind henching everything. You can get back to Factions later. Do Nightfall now.

Sid Soggybottom


Join Date: Oct 2006

I'd say if storyline is important to you then I'd play them in the order that they came out. There's a somewhat of a slight continuity between the chapters.

Otherwise, I'd probably play Nightfall first then play Factions with the acquired heroes.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

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The majority of people will tell you NF is the better game. Although it is losing some of its edge considering there is currently no elite mission. So unless you want to replay missions and quests over and over and over and over and over.... well you get the idea. They both offer new content, but NF does have a longer better storyline. Though, I personally like the skills and 2 classes of Factions better.

All in all I'd just say get them all, if not get NF first then decide if you really want factions or not.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Northeast USA

Guilded Rose


I highly recommend Nightfall
- altho I liked Factions better than Prophecies too

a good thread to read of people talking about all 3 chapters



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Walkrr
Should I get Factions or Nightfall first?
If you have the money, get both, plain and simple; If you like PvP you will need all skills; It's also good having all skills for play your favorite PvE missions (or farming)

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




Dont comeback.... Go move to Korea and play Aion.


You want to deal with retarded AI.
Love grinding for sunspear pts.
Like never getting a human being in your group to talk with and joke around with.

If those 3 are true, get back into it. Otherwise, I would say run while you still can.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Yes, Prophecies is the original GW chapter.

This set of games is intended to be a triolgy that ends with Nightfall. Therefore, if you choose Nightfall for your second chapter, you will finish the main storyline and then when you do Factions, you will backtrack to the middle of it.

Prophecies - beginning of story
Factions - two storylines - main evil taking over world, 2nd conflict between Luxon and Kurzick groups
Nightfall - finale of main storyline

Other than that, there are pros and cons for every chapter - armor, character looks, heroes - the problem is we are spoiled for choice.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Northeast USA

Guilded Rose


theres not much Factions lore in Nightfall

theres is Prophecies lore with "tying up loose ends" with elonians



Site Contributor

Join Date: Oct 2006


Runners of the Rose [RR]


Originally Posted by Ninna
theres not much Factions lore in Nightfall

theres is Prophecies lore with "tying up loose ends" with elonians
Well, not lore as such, but a guildmate of mine spoiled some of Nightfall's ending for me (I haven't passed it yet), and there is a strong connection between all the games. Playing Nightfall first will kind of spoil parts of Factions main storyline close to the end and will be a letdown for any gamer who enjoys their storylines intact. Then again, if you only play for the action then it doesn't matter which one you get first.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Domoni Bellum


Prophecies is the best. Night fall is my second favorite enviornment, but your really can't play through nightfall with multiple characters in a short period of time, so if you plan on using ur tyrian characters to go through whichever campaign you buy, i would suggest Factions, because its more fun to do multiple times.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Dont comeback.... Go move to Korea and play Aion.


You want to deal with retarded AI.
Love grinding for sunspear pts.
Like never getting a human being in your group to talk with and joke around with.

If those 3 are true, get back into it. Otherwise, I would say run while you still can.

Could you explain this to me a little more? What are sunspear points? What has happened to the AI? and is there a lack of players or something?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


nightfall enough said

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

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Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Originally Posted by Walkrr
Could you explain this to me a little more? What are sunspear points?
Sunspear points are another reward system introduced in Nightfall. They provide another title for you and some benefits to your Heros. At a few points in the game they become chokepoints where you need a certain amount to continue the main quests. It isn't much of a problem in you are not trying to rush to the end of the game. Doing the other quests and missions usually nets you the required SSP without farming them.

What has happened to the AI?
The AI is smarter now. Monks Kite and mobs run from area damage. Now...most decent players would see this as a good thing. But some people don't like to be challenged or would rather be able to farm 15,000 an hour from stupid AI.

and is there a lack of players or something?
Absolutely not. The above post is referencing the tendency of people to use the Heroes more often now and not gather in PUGS. If you have a guild or a good friends list this isn't a problem. Personally, I gather my party of friends and use the heroes as filler.

Hope this clears some things up for you.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Walkrr
Could you explain this to me a little more? What are sunspear points? What has happened to the AI? and is there a lack of players or something?
He means that there is a point in Nightfall where you will need to "grind" for sunspear points (aka kill mobs and do quests) to advance in the game. Honestly, it's not that different from where you need to grind for faction in Factions to advance the story. I wouldn't worry about it honestly. People that complain about this sort of thing are probably new to these kinds of games, as the "grind" is pretty laughable by MMO standards.

The AI problems... meh. Sometimes mobs aggro you from outside of your aggro bubble. Not the end of the world. We're spoiled rotten with Guild Wars, the only game to even show you your aggro range on the minimap.

The lack of players is because Nightfall heroes are superior to random players 95% of the time if you've twinked them properly. The end result? Very few people group in Nightfall except for the last few missions. That's not saying that the last few missions couldn't be hero-henched anyway though.

Anyway, my vote goes to Nightfall. Prettier environment, heroes are farking awesome, Paragons and Dervishes kick butt aaannnd... (drumroll)... the characters move their mouths while speaking in cutscenes! I really like all three campaigns, but I'd easily choose Nightfall over Factions if I had to pick one.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Originally Posted by twentynine
The AI problems... meh. Sometimes mobs aggro you from outside of your aggro bubble. Not the end of the world. We're spoiled rotten with Guild Wars, the only game to even show you your aggro range on the minimap.
This isn't a bug, it is one of the abilities of the Kournan Spotters.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

It is fair to say more people like Nightfall than Factions. Based on statistics, you are more likely to like Nigthfall.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

do all of the expansions cost $50 even? or is one cheaper than the other.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


Everyone related to both pve and pvp hate factions, so buy nightfall. Factions brought about 5 useful skills to pvp, and had a horrible campaign. Nightfall brings about 50 useful skills to pvp and has a fantastic campaign. It's up to you.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


LoF, Rtr

I'd agree with 'Titan Chrae' and 'twentynine' above.

When I played the Factions PVE I absolutely fell in love with it. The scenery took my breath away. I think it may be fair to say that what ruined Factions for many was the LOCKED GATES that you kept coming up against, which meant you had to go back, do stuff in a certain order and generally gave a feeling of wasting your time. That's certainly what put me off it anyway. Other than that, I think it's great. Offered new titles and loads to do. I was never bored and still have stuff there I want to finish.
The Assassin and Ritualist are marvellous and I have seen both used extremely effectively. I have solo-farmed with my Assassin, as have many, thanks to a very switched-on player who shared their ideas; and I believe that there are solo Ritualist builds out there too. One of my Guildies loves his Ritualist.

As usual, it depends on your personal tastes.

Nightfall is absolutely gorgeous and I love the Paragon. I haven't had as much time to play so can't really comment about the Dervish, since I've hardly played it yet. Again, there are added titles to aim for (though I'm not completely happy about the 'forced' nature of the Sunspear titles - everyone has them!) and again, lots of new content and loads to do, especially if you've created all classes since the start and want to get them all through this third campaign! /catchbreath

All campaigns cost the same (£29.99) from the GW shop, but if you shop around you should be able to pick them up for about half of this. Not bad for something that you don't have to keep paying for each month.

P.S: Just wanted to say what a good post Titan Chrae did. Well explained without any flaming. Nice


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

What is the conversion price for £29.99 to US dollars?



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


LoF, Rtr

According to £29.99 would be $56.94 (USD)