Deep Wound is bugged..
I was playing around in Temple Of Balthazar and noticed when I ran in to the deep wound guy my life only went down 100 points which is alright because my life was 500, BUT when I boosted my life to 839 it only went down to 739 not 672 and I was cheated 67 health, Oh sush I know I'm complaining about 67 health LOSS but still it needs a fix. Now most of you are gonna be mad at me when/if this gets fixed but I feel it needs to be fixed because when im fighting a monster with 10,000 health + boosts I want that extra little health to go away with Deep Wound.
Deep Wound always has been capped at 100.
Yeah, its got a max cap, so you can't DW Glint or so for hundreds of points of damage
then they need to change the lettering on the discription because i dont like it :P
Feminist Terrorist
Originally Posted by Drithlan
then they need to change the lettering on the discription because i dont like it :P
Was not aware there was a cap.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by kazjun
Yeah, its got a max cap, so you can't DW Glint or so for hundreds of points of damage
Regarding deep wound, yes, they do need to change it to show that 100 cap.
Actually, I'd prefer if they put more of a description on what exactly conditions do. The Great Temple of Balthazar has them so you can see for yourself, but that doesn't show the little bits that matter.
i say remove the cap because a deep wound on a human is nothing compaired to a deep wound on a dragon so if i deep wound the dragon i want the 20% taken away or even make it so if you are over lets say 1000 hp you lose 15% over 5000 you lose 10% now thats reasonable because 100 health aint much i can do that in one hit
Originally Posted by Drithlan
i say remove the cap because a deep wound on a human is nothing compaired to a deep wound on a dragon so if i deep wound the dragon i want the 20% taken away or even make it so if you are over lets say 1000 hp you lose 15% over 5000 you lose 10% now thats reasonable because 100 health aint much i can do that in one hit

Originally Posted by Drithlan
i say remove the cap because a deep wound on a human is nothing compaired to a deep wound on a dragon