I've only been playing GW for a short period of time after buying it over a year ago, but there is one question i cant seem to find the answer to.
I have all 3 campaigns and was wondering if i can move pve characters to the different continents so that i can meet up with my friends that only have factions, if so how can i move say a nightfall dervish to the factions continent (i forget the name)??
sorry just a little confused
Noobie Needing a little help.
Lord Sojar
Yep, you can.
You have to do enough quests and finish the quest "The Time is Nigh" on nooby island in Elona. Then get both quests to travel to Tyria and Cantha. Both are fairly easy. But you have to have done "The Time is Nigh" to do so. Hope this helps.
You have to do enough quests and finish the quest "The Time is Nigh" on nooby island in Elona. Then get both quests to travel to Tyria and Cantha. Both are fairly easy. But you have to have done "The Time is Nigh" to do so. Hope this helps.
i assume each campaign has a version of that quest?
Yes, they do. You can check the quest lists on guildwiki.org for how to get characters from each chapter to another chapter you own.
Tyrians have 'Mhenlo's Request' in order to travel to Cantha and
'Sunspears in Kryta' in order to travel to Elona. Both obtained in Lion's Arch
Canthans have 'Chaos in Kryta' in order to travel to Tyria and
'Sunspears in Cantha' in order to travel to Elona. Both obtained in Kaineng Center
Elonians have 'Terror in Tyria' in order to travel to Tyria and
'Plague in Cantha' ion order to travel to Cantha. Both obtained in Kamadan
Tyrians have 'Mhenlo's Request' in order to travel to Cantha and
'Sunspears in Kryta' in order to travel to Elona. Both obtained in Lion's Arch
Canthans have 'Chaos in Kryta' in order to travel to Tyria and
'Sunspears in Cantha' in order to travel to Elona. Both obtained in Kaineng Center
Elonians have 'Terror in Tyria' in order to travel to Tyria and
'Plague in Cantha' ion order to travel to Cantha. Both obtained in Kamadan
And it's worth doing every travel quest you can to be able to go everywhere with every character.

And again Emik beats me to the concise, and fully correct answer, lol
Elonian characters get 3.5k exp for doing the travel quests. If you have a Tyrian or Canthan character that hasn't transferred, go to the other continent through Elona.