Area Effect = Bugged?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


This is just something I have noticed while playing through Nightfall.

Many areas have effects on your character, some decreas healing effect, increase recharge time, etc. Are these bugged however?

The attached image is taken from Consulate docks mission. Clearly the area effect should be boosting my health to 600, but you can see from my health bar that it hasnt. I can't test the armour, mainly becasue I'm paragon, so my base is 80 anyway.

Also on the mission with the water works, I forget it's name, where you must take Master of Whipsers and bonus is to kill only the boss, well we all know that area has an effect which makes earth do 50% (or something) more damage. But that doesnt even show up in my status list, but it does on my heroes.

I am just wondering if anybody else has noticed these issues, or if they are only effecting me. It took me ages to realise why I was taking so much damage in the mission with Master of Whispers.

Any thoughts?

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




yeh, another thing anet has yet to fix in a month. GG. Lazy! Too focused on chapter 4 to fix something so simple. This was posted a while back. But, maybe they will notice it this time. Doubtful.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


I did this one again recently (after the last update that supposedly fixed parts of it) and I would have to concur that this mission is still quite buggy. Aside from the battlecall problem I also experienced the following:

1) The boss at the first set of catapults actually spawned inside a wall. He was hard to kill as max criticals were only doing 11 dmg and nothing else was hurting him. Not sure if this was due to his location or some other buffs. When the fight was finally over, Melonni was now stuck inside the wall and didn't return to the party until after the cutscene.

2) Several of the npcs that follow your party don't actually fight they just stand around.

3) The very first time I did this the necro npc did make minnions but never since. I've tried standing around over corpses hoping she'll do something but to no avail.

So all in all I think this one still needs some work. Although I should say that none of this has ever kept me from completing the thing with masters but I know others who are having lot's of difficutly with it.