I went to the Sunspear Great Hall and attempted to purchase the assassin skills but it wouldnt let me!
>.< I have Zenmai in the party and it does nothing.
Buying Hero Skills bugged?
Your ability to acquire hero skills is related to your sunspear rank. If you have a character with higher rank (or just unused hero skill points) you can get the skill and it will unlock it for your whole account though.
Is it Shattering Assault? You can't get that, it shouldn't even show up.
Originally Posted by Skuld
Is it Shattering Assault? You can't get that, it shouldn't even show up.
Ya i was basically unloading my hero points, and i was like hey...lets unlock this.
Former Ruling
Shattering Assualt isn't even supposed to be on the list as far as we can tell, so it will not let you buy it.
Crom The Pale
There is an elite assasin skill called Assault Enchants at the sunspear great hall that is in the Hero Skill trainer list but you cannot learn it.
Anet needs to fix or remove this skill from the trainer......
Anet needs to fix or remove this skill from the trainer......