elite armors?

Daemon Dremora

Daemon Dremora

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Millington, TN

Seele Erntemaschine {Nein}

i am asking this because i haven't seen these armors in game. Do the elite sunspear, vabbian, ancient, and primeval armors have the same armor level? i know they cost different amounts of gold so that is why i am asking. thnx.

Free Runner

Free Runner

Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


Knights Of The Sacred Light [KSL]

Originally Posted by Daemon Dremora
i am asking this because i haven't seen these armors in game. Do the elite sunspear, vabbian, ancient, and primeval armors have the same armor level? i know they cost different amounts of gold so that is why i am asking. thnx.
All share the same armor level of normal armor bought from the Docks and Command Post. The only difference is they look better than the normal 1k version (although this depends on your tastes).

Daemon Dremora

Daemon Dremora

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Millington, TN

Seele Erntemaschine {Nein}

ok thnx, yeah i just hadn't been to the elite armor places, and i am trying to make a list of what armors i like for my 7 main chars. thnx again.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

That is true of all max armors throughout GW, none are any better stat-wise, they just have different looks.