How Do You Make A Gw Movie


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pain for you


whic program do you use to make a high resolution movie and whic program do you use that your movie has a song in it.... P.s:Some ppl say the use there camera but when i use it the picture is ---- .Post link to whre i can download the program whic you use for those 2 tings.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Wrong place, moving.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


If you want to make a GW movie or whatever, I'd recommend using a video capturing program. Two of the most well known video capturing programs is FRAPS and GameCam. Both are very good. Look at the options for each and see which one you prefer.


Personally, I like to use GameCam. Both come with free trial downloads, but FRAPS's trial version only allows video capture of 30 seconds or less. It seems to have a little better quality. GameCam, however, allows you to video capture as long as you want, but you won't have any sound on your video. You can always get the sound by other means (and if you are going to add music later on...having GW sounds really doesn't much matter). FRAPS's compression rate is pretty high so if you are concerned about storage space, GameCam might be the way to go. Both offer extra features for a very small price, which you might want to look into. Like I said, just do a search and see which one you prefer. They both do the job and I wont get into a debate about "this one" is better than "this one".

Once you make your movie, you can use programs like Windows Movie Maker to edit the videos, add the sound/music, or whatever. There are other similiar programs, but I find this one pretty straight forward and easy to use.

Windows Movie Maker

That is how a lot of people made those GW dance videos you see on You Tube. I hope this helps and is what you were asking about.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pain for you


tnx m8