Idea for skills list
buy my stuff pls
Just something convenient, being able to click on the attribute and have it work like a drop menu. Like in the quest list, you can click on the area to bring the quests up or drop them down. Much better then scrolling through the long list. I haven't played in two months and like the improvement. You can already do it with the attributes and the new window, why not be able to do it to each skill type?
You mean collapsable lists?
That would help, I have all skill from mane prophessions, and looking for one certaing is sometimes slower then you'd like, and we'll save haing to load in memory a lot of images and text you are not going to use.
That would help, I have all skill from mane prophessions, and looking for one certaing is sometimes slower then you'd like, and we'll save haing to load in memory a lot of images and text you are not going to use.
buy my stuff pls
Yea collapsable lists.
exiled mat
That's why we have skill templates, once you've created the ones you like, you will never have to change those skills again

Lazyness FTW...
buy my stuff pls
bumps away