Hey all, I have been away frow GW for about a year. I only have the prophecies campaign. I have been playing again lately, and am thinking about buying NF, ( I can only afford to buy one right now) But I had a few questions about it.
1. I read something about getting a couple more character slots with NF is that true?
2. And How does heroes work, Do they start out in pre sear or can you start them post sear and just use one of your already developed characters to level them up? Or what is the best way to level them up.
3. Is there quite a few new skills in NF for the classes from prophecies?
4. And what about new armour, is there new armour, and how much better is it then prophecies, and what does it cost approximatley?
5. I also read something about titles and insignia's, how do they work, and how difficult is it to get these?
6. Has the max dmg on weapons increased or is it still the same?
7. Also I've seen there is new green items, are they just in one area like grenth's and sf in prophecies or are they scattered throughout NF?
8. And is there an increase in storage?
sorry for all the questions, It's just been awhile and before I buy Nf I want to make sure it is worth the bang for the buck.
been gone awhile
All those questions can be answered well at http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page
For everything else unanswered there, i say about NF "It's worth every cent"
For everything else unanswered there, i say about NF "It's worth every cent"
Armor is the same, although there are a few more options like "-10 AL while enchanted" that don't exist in Prophecies.
Other than 2 new weapons (spear + scythe) damage is the same.
You won't have heroes in pre-searing, in Tyria there is only 1 available at Lions Arch. In Elona you'll have your first for the first mission at level 2 and add them one at a time as you play thru the story. Their levels will be roughly what yours are. Each character has their own heroes.
For greens, in Cantha and Elona each boss has a small chance of dropping one so yeah, they are scattered all over.
Titles are just earned by playing the game: mapping, identifying golds, opening high-end chests, etc. Only a few provide benefits, most are just bling.
It is good, if you like Prophecies you will like Nightfall.
Other than 2 new weapons (spear + scythe) damage is the same.
You won't have heroes in pre-searing, in Tyria there is only 1 available at Lions Arch. In Elona you'll have your first for the first mission at level 2 and add them one at a time as you play thru the story. Their levels will be roughly what yours are. Each character has their own heroes.
For greens, in Cantha and Elona each boss has a small chance of dropping one so yeah, they are scattered all over.
Titles are just earned by playing the game: mapping, identifying golds, opening high-end chests, etc. Only a few provide benefits, most are just bling.
It is good, if you like Prophecies you will like Nightfall.
1. Two more character slots if you add NF key to existing account, 4 if you start new account (can't travel between continents then...I prefer merged).
2. You're on a new continent, you acquire heroes throughout the game at a fairly appropriate level (the first is lvl 1 I Believe, the next is lvl 5 or so and they level almost as fast as you).
3. There are a fair amount of new skills, but I haven't taken any of the core professions through NF to tell you the extent.
4. There are quite a few new armors available at max in 1k, 5k and 15k pieces.
5. Titles don't affect gameplay, insignias take over inherint effects in armor and weapons, see the link to get a good description (above post, and search wiki).
6. max dmg on weapons haven't changed, although there are spears and scythes now.
7. There are tons of new greens, most bosses have them. Great for heroes (and players).
8. There is the material storage but that is the only addition (came in Factions and now everywhere anyway.)
It's worth it.
2. You're on a new continent, you acquire heroes throughout the game at a fairly appropriate level (the first is lvl 1 I Believe, the next is lvl 5 or so and they level almost as fast as you).
3. There are a fair amount of new skills, but I haven't taken any of the core professions through NF to tell you the extent.
4. There are quite a few new armors available at max in 1k, 5k and 15k pieces.
5. Titles don't affect gameplay, insignias take over inherint effects in armor and weapons, see the link to get a good description (above post, and search wiki).
6. max dmg on weapons haven't changed, although there are spears and scythes now.
7. There are tons of new greens, most bosses have them. Great for heroes (and players).
8. There is the material storage but that is the only addition (came in Factions and now everywhere anyway.)
It's worth it.
Just to clear up the hero question, so if I link NF to my existing account and I am on a new continent. Can I use my lvl 20 ranger and acquire heroes with him or do I have to start a new lvl 1 character? And if I can use my lvl 20 ranger will all my new heroes be lvl 1? Do the new zones start at lvl 1 so I can lvl these heroes up?
You can take your level 20 ranger to Elona and do quests to acquire heroes. The heroes start at different levels depending where in the storyline you get them, but they will level up with experience. You can use your heroes in previous GW chapters. They aren't limited to use in NF.