Remove Brutal Mauling
Right; since the time when I began looking at pet data it annoyed me that a bear does less DPS than other pets.
Much work has gone into analysing the skill brutal Mauling; it's a neat relic of a time when pets had different abilities, for some reason it has not been removed.
It is a 4 adrenaline skill, used by the bear when you are also attacking; as a result in normal cicumstances it amounts to about an 18% damage per second penalty. With the presence of the new ritual Infuriating Heat in Nightfall the bear can actually build adrenaline twice as fast, and uses its brutal mauling every second swing, with the result of dealing about 30% less damage than an equivalently evolved pet of another species.
People have talked about the potential advantages of the skill; as an easily interrupted skill it can serve as a way to use up enemy interrupts, as some AI opponents will bother interrupting the bear, people imagine that it has more damage (testing shows this to be false) that it interrupts enemies (also false) and so on, and now with Paragon shouts it finally has a slight advantage, Brutal Mauling attacks can trigger Paragon effects like Anthem of Flame.
The fact is though that it is a relic, and one that while it has been interesting effectively removes the bear from the arsenal of many; I know I had a bear for my first ranger until I realised how much weaker it was; changing from a Hearty bear to a Dire wolf boosted my damage about 60%.
Before the situation gets too complex, how about ANet fixes the bear; remove the outdated Brutal Mauling (which has no effect anyway) and make the pet homogeneous, like basically all pets are with the slight exception of damage type. Removing Brutal Mauling from the bear might take away some of its history, and remove the slight use it may get as a paragon trigger, but would restore it to being a usable pet.
Notice; Please refrain from derailing the thread with requests of adding new inherent pet skills/attacks, as per the request of the OP and others; There are other threads regarding that subject, and this one is intended for a simple, single request.
Much work has gone into analysing the skill brutal Mauling; it's a neat relic of a time when pets had different abilities, for some reason it has not been removed.
It is a 4 adrenaline skill, used by the bear when you are also attacking; as a result in normal cicumstances it amounts to about an 18% damage per second penalty. With the presence of the new ritual Infuriating Heat in Nightfall the bear can actually build adrenaline twice as fast, and uses its brutal mauling every second swing, with the result of dealing about 30% less damage than an equivalently evolved pet of another species.
People have talked about the potential advantages of the skill; as an easily interrupted skill it can serve as a way to use up enemy interrupts, as some AI opponents will bother interrupting the bear, people imagine that it has more damage (testing shows this to be false) that it interrupts enemies (also false) and so on, and now with Paragon shouts it finally has a slight advantage, Brutal Mauling attacks can trigger Paragon effects like Anthem of Flame.
The fact is though that it is a relic, and one that while it has been interesting effectively removes the bear from the arsenal of many; I know I had a bear for my first ranger until I realised how much weaker it was; changing from a Hearty bear to a Dire wolf boosted my damage about 60%.
Before the situation gets too complex, how about ANet fixes the bear; remove the outdated Brutal Mauling (which has no effect anyway) and make the pet homogeneous, like basically all pets are with the slight exception of damage type. Removing Brutal Mauling from the bear might take away some of its history, and remove the slight use it may get as a paragon trigger, but would restore it to being a usable pet.
Notice; Please refrain from derailing the thread with requests of adding new inherent pet skills/attacks, as per the request of the OP and others; There are other threads regarding that subject, and this one is intended for a simple, single request.
I agree wholeheartedly. It's been a long time since I put this one on my wishlist. Right up there with the ability to make your pets heel.
I agree wholeheartedly. It's been a long time since I put this one on my wishlist. Right up there with the ability to make your pets heel.
Chicken Ftw
Yup, traded in my bear long ago... skill looks nice, but it's completely useless, and hinders the bear's performance.
I think we need a bear with really fast attacks.
Yup. Currently the only known use for the Brutal mauling is for P/R R/P, because it activates a type of chant, the anthems:
* Anthem of Envy
* Anthem of Flame
* Anthem of Fury
* Anthem of Guidance
* Crippling Anthem
* Defensive Anthem
* Zealous Anthem
But from all of theese, only Envy, Flame and Cripling are useful with that skill.
* Anthem of Envy
* Anthem of Flame
* Anthem of Fury
* Anthem of Guidance
* Crippling Anthem
* Defensive Anthem
* Zealous Anthem
But from all of theese, only Envy, Flame and Cripling are useful with that skill.
I agree. It seems all the animals are on level playing fields with the bear slightly behind. Fix it...I want a cuddly bear for my ranger sometime.

bamm bamm bamm
Very much /signed
I don't have the heart to give away my bear to a tamer.
I don't have the heart to give away my bear to a tamer.

They should remove Brutal Mauling. Too bad I heard from a very reliable source that is is hard coded. =/
Unless you allow PvPers to pick from any type of pet, quite honestly making them all do somthing else wouldn't help with the whole PvP/PvE equality thing they've just fixed, so I think this is out of the question.
Unless you allow PvPers to pick from any type of pet, quite honestly making them all do somthing else wouldn't help with the whole PvP/PvE equality thing they've just fixed, so I think this is out of the question.
Just make all pets exactly the same damage/speed/type, simple.
It took what... a whole eight posts for people to start asking for ridiculous crap?
I think it's funny how every obvious, sensible, simple suggestion in here immediately gets overcomplicated by people's ideas for "improvement".
No special pet attacks! Just fix the bugged bear. Simple
So, consider this a year-and-a-half's worth of /SIGNED.
I think it's funny how every obvious, sensible, simple suggestion in here immediately gets overcomplicated by people's ideas for "improvement".
No special pet attacks! Just fix the bugged bear. Simple
So, consider this a year-and-a-half's worth of /SIGNED.
Sha Noran
People come up with the most ridiculous things...
The Bear is broken. Just fix it.
The Bear is broken. Just fix it.
Sophitia Leafblade
/signed for either removing it or upgrading all pet attacks
The Silver Star
All pets should be equal and have same stats in my opinon especially since in PvP you cant select your "type" of pet.
All pets should be equal and have same stats in my opinon especially since in PvP you cant select your "type" of pet.
/Signed for remove brutal mauling, its worthless
/Notsigned for making pets even more different and screwing over PvP characters.
/Signed for giving pvp chars the ability to choose the type of pet they have and giving each pet different abilities
/Notsigned for making pets even more different and screwing over PvP characters.
/Signed for giving pvp chars the ability to choose the type of pet they have and giving each pet different abilities
Yes remove the skill already, then maybe we can use Bears as pets as well.
And allow PvP characters to select which pet and evolution type as well.
And allow PvP characters to select which pet and evolution type as well.
To those who post ideas of "balanced" pet attack, post in a thread about it.
Adding complexity would require ensuring balance between pets, and would virtually require selection of pet types for GvG, among other things.
Make them all the same and you solve the problem. Frankly, the Slashing/Piercing difference should be eliminated or the option to make either variety of pet added, along with evolutions in PvP pets.
Adding complexity would require ensuring balance between pets, and would virtually require selection of pet types for GvG, among other things.
Make them all the same and you solve the problem. Frankly, the Slashing/Piercing difference should be eliminated or the option to make either variety of pet added, along with evolutions in PvP pets.
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
Phoenix - Disrupting Winning Peck - Strikes for 20-100 damage and inflicts bleeding, deepwound, daze, cripple and poison to your target. If target is using a Skill, that skill is interrupted and disabled for 1 minute. |

Really though, pets don't need any "special" attacks; They have those allready, Beast Mastery skills, remember guys? Pets are not meant to be uber-1337. They're a part of the Ranger's arsenal.
Other than that, I have no reason to be against the removal of Brutal Mauling, though I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you guys. I'd much rather they fix more important things first.
Opal Bridewood
Yes, while having different special attacks would be nice if they were balanced and pvp chars would be able to choose pet-type, the problem is easily solvable by removing Brutal Mauling. I agree.
Just remove it.
If you'd add anything to them people would be whining about imbalances and other crap. Like they always do.
The bear is statistically the weakest one coz of lowest DPS.
All those fairy tales about spiders causing poison and rats causing other stuff is false.
As long as you do'nt command your pet with a cetain BM skill to do anything all it does is hit and nothing more.
/signed for removal
If you'd add anything to them people would be whining about imbalances and other crap. Like they always do.
The bear is statistically the weakest one coz of lowest DPS.
All those fairy tales about spiders causing poison and rats causing other stuff is false.
As long as you do'nt command your pet with a cetain BM skill to do anything all it does is hit and nothing more.
/signed for removal
I love my bear even though it's got lower damage as it's HUGE and bigger than my sin 
Could just make it do more damage. Brutal Mauling is part of the bear, so just make it do a little extra damage from it to balance up DPS.

Could just make it do more damage. Brutal Mauling is part of the bear, so just make it do a little extra damage from it to balance up DPS.
it wouldnt be imbalanced... duh...
empower brutal mauling to raise the bears DPS to the same as the other pets.
empower brutal mauling to raise the bears DPS to the same as the other pets.
Kool Pajamas
/signed to either fix the bear, or give each pet special attacks while allowing pvp chars to choose their pet type.
Since it is an adrenaline attack, the time it can be used varies if there is any adrenaline effect, It can't be balanced without remving the skill.
Since it is an adrenaline attack, the time it can be used varies if there is any adrenaline effect, It can't be balanced without remving the skill.
How hard is this to fix?
How hard is this to fix?
Originally Posted by Rhedd
It took what... a whole eight posts for people to start asking for ridiculous crap?
I think it's funny how every obvious, sensible, simple suggestion in here immediately gets overcomplicated by people's ideas for "improvement". No special pet attacks! Just fix the bugged bear. Simple So, consider this a year-and-a-half's worth of /SIGNED. |
Just fix the only broken pet.
/signed for all the reasons stated above
...It's a simple skill removal. One type of creature uses it, a bear, and it affects balance, if only minorly. Obviously this shouldn't be a huge priority, but I fail to see the difficulty in simply removing the skill. We don't need pets doing all sorts of crap, we have Beast Mastery for that. Just make the bear the same as the rest of the pets, I don't understand why the skill was ever put in the game.
/Signed for removal
/Signed for removal
/notsign for anything. The bear is special from the rest because it can trigger chants, therefore it drawback is slower attack rate. I don't like having pets with special, for one it will screw up the pvp system. The way it is now let you pick pets you like not picking them for their special. The only thing I agree is adding the ability to pick basic pet with different damage type for pvp char.
That comes fro the fact that the bear in Pre Searing Ascalon was an enemy.
a lvl3/5 (seems to have slipped my mind) that had auto-aggro.
Since that bear was in no way different as an neutral bear the devs must've just sticked with this one type of instead of making another charmable one.
I think that really sums it up.
Might be wrong though
a lvl3/5 (seems to have slipped my mind) that had auto-aggro.
Since that bear was in no way different as an neutral bear the devs must've just sticked with this one type of instead of making another charmable one.
I think that really sums it up.
Might be wrong though
/signed for remove brutal mauling
/signed for brutal mauling removal, simply because this attack is making a well timed disrupting lunge go down the drain.
About special 'pet powers', first I think some of them could be really overpowered : free knockdown, deep wounds dazed automatically spammed every 8 secs ?! I allready feel the pain (oh NO! A dazed black moa ranger team...).
Second, just because it'd be annoying to have a 'normal pet skill' interrupted or delayed by such a 'special power'.
In fact i'd prefer -just- slight differences between pets in term of hp, attack speed, attack damage, running speed. And of course if THAT was possible, some kind of signets of animal capturing (one in build only at a time), allowing to store and use different pets (and why not different versions of pet...).
About special 'pet powers', first I think some of them could be really overpowered : free knockdown, deep wounds dazed automatically spammed every 8 secs ?! I allready feel the pain (oh NO! A dazed black moa ranger team...).
Second, just because it'd be annoying to have a 'normal pet skill' interrupted or delayed by such a 'special power'.
In fact i'd prefer -just- slight differences between pets in term of hp, attack speed, attack damage, running speed. And of course if THAT was possible, some kind of signets of animal capturing (one in build only at a time), allowing to store and use different pets (and why not different versions of pet...).
Mercury Angel
Thread cleaned. There's a note in the OP's post now, but I'll restate it here;
Please keep things simple in context. This thread is about 'balancing'/'fixing' things now in a timely manner with ease. There's no reason things can't be changed one way now, and changed another way later.
But keep the discussions of inherent pet attack/skills in other threads which already exist about the subject.
As to the topic at hand, if Brutal Mauling can't technically be removed, I'm curious to know if it can be edited, as it was initially to make it useless;
It could be possible to simply make it do nothing in such a way that it doesn't matter, or have requirements that make it impossible to ever use.
"Brutal Mauling - 0en, 0 cast, --- recharge [rez sig/signet of rebirth style]
This skill does nothing."
And if the skill can't be edited at all, one can always create a new bear pet entry, same skin, WITHOUT Brutal Mauling, and perform a mass database edit, the same way undesirable weapon stats were removed, and give everyone with the current bear pet the new one, while removing the old one from the game entirely.
Or a bear collector that trades old bears for new ones?
In any case, even if a certain specific solution can not be done, the essence of programming is finding a way to get things done, even if it's not straightforward, through creative problem solving. There has to be some kind of alternate solution that would be viable if others are not.
Please keep things simple in context. This thread is about 'balancing'/'fixing' things now in a timely manner with ease. There's no reason things can't be changed one way now, and changed another way later.
But keep the discussions of inherent pet attack/skills in other threads which already exist about the subject.
As to the topic at hand, if Brutal Mauling can't technically be removed, I'm curious to know if it can be edited, as it was initially to make it useless;
It could be possible to simply make it do nothing in such a way that it doesn't matter, or have requirements that make it impossible to ever use.
"Brutal Mauling - 0en, 0 cast, --- recharge [rez sig/signet of rebirth style]
This skill does nothing."
And if the skill can't be edited at all, one can always create a new bear pet entry, same skin, WITHOUT Brutal Mauling, and perform a mass database edit, the same way undesirable weapon stats were removed, and give everyone with the current bear pet the new one, while removing the old one from the game entirely.
Or a bear collector that trades old bears for new ones?
In any case, even if a certain specific solution can not be done, the essence of programming is finding a way to get things done, even if it's not straightforward, through creative problem solving. There has to be some kind of alternate solution that would be viable if others are not.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Since it is an adrenaline attack, the time it can be used varies if there is any adrenaline effect, It can't be balanced without remving the skill. |
IT CAN BE BALANCED! You just aren't even trying to find a way.
You know what you are getting when you charm a bear. There's plenty of lvl 15 and up pets that you can charm if you don't want the Brutal Mauling.
If they're going to fix this, then they need to have pet attacks trigger anthems (which they currently don't).
Either take a paragon hero or player on your team or get rid of your bear.
You know what you are getting when you charm a bear. There's plenty of lvl 15 and up pets that you can charm if you don't want the Brutal Mauling.
If they're going to fix this, then they need to have pet attacks trigger anthems (which they currently don't).
Either take a paragon hero or player on your team or get rid of your bear.
Instead of letting the bear like that, make pet attacks trigger anthems.
Remove Brutal Mauling and bring back the bear as a viable pet from a DPS standpoint.
Remove Brutal Mauling and bring back the bear as a viable pet from a DPS standpoint.
Phoenix Arrows
You don't need a bear, you can get a crane or something. ANet put Mauling on the bear for who-knows-what reasons, so live with it.
You don't need a bear, you can get a crane or something. ANet put Mauling on the bear for who-knows-what reasons, so live with it.