Cost For Guild Hall


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


How much does it cost for a guild hall in Prophecies?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Bookhouse boys


You can win a token item that will pay for it in PVP play and it will be free.

If however, you just are lousy at PVP (like myself) you can buy one of the tokens from a trader and they are on a supply and demand exchange rate. I recommend just checking the exchange costs.

Keep in mind you do need to buy a tabard first and if that 2k cost seems steep, you really are not ready to go buying a hall.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


You can buy a Guil Hall with a celestial sigil. Either:
a) you win it in Heroes' Ascent (unlikely)
b) you buy it from trader at Heroes' Ascent district from trader
Should be around 8k nowadays

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Cape: 2k
Then hall: 6-8k right now
Then the "important" NPCs at the hall: 10k ea
All other NPCs in the hall are more expensive vanity ones.