Zoey Shy

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006




Zoey's Guild Wars Expansion Pack IDEAS:

PART 1. Master Of Ceremonies Reception Hall
- For a Guild Wars Yearly Awards Ceremony
- Guest Pass for All to Attend the First GW Awards Ceremony
+ Good for Moral for Alliances
+ Good for Selling the Package & Sparks An Interest
+ Sends a positive message for those who "work" hard to keep the teams together
+ The Alliance & Guild Leaders deserve something extra/initiative to keep succeeding

- Awards such as:
- Alliance Leader of the Year
- Guild upkeep of the year (meaning stability - i.e. I have had 80 members minimum - same ppl for months now)
- Forum of the Year (Judged by most hits or participants or activity)
- Web Designer of the Year (most creative expression of the game)
- Web Site of the Year
- 2 tiers - due to different interests and number of hits to site
- Tier #1 Guildwars.com, GuildWarsGuru.com, GuildWiki.com (Most Common known thru the
- Tier #2 Guild Fansites, Alliance Websites for design or forum upkeep or participation
- NCSoft Ideas of the Year From GW Participants (me, LOL, Just kidding)
- Video Creator of the Year (if they have made many popular ones like mine
- Guild Wars Videos of the Year voted on Guild Wars.com by players
- Halloween Contest Winner Announced for recognition (and good for exposure of contest for
next year)

- Winner should receive something tangible
- Trophy customized for them
- Title they can wear for the year
- Most Winners will probably have a lot of money (but it is a good incentive for those who
do not have)
- Wearable Crown customized for them, with the year on it, so it doesn't disappear and can
be collected or shown off

PART 2. Wedding Chapel & Reception Hall = Guild Hall of your choice Decorated
- People feel that their friends / in-game allies are more like family at times & to share
a special moment in their life with them from all over the world would be so special and
- For Wedding - you could get an accessory - like a ring - to show always or never... like
a hat -customized
- Dress or Tuxedo pick out , add color like your cape , or maybe just a viel and bow tie
- Maid of Honor / Best Man / choose a priest or whatever type and vows/saying (from a
small number of choices)
- Choose from a few songs , DJ announce bridal party , cake , gift ,
- Could be announced like when a HOH Guild wins a battle for favor (may be too much - but
it's an idea)

PART 3. Beach - /surf (choose a board or purchase) - /boogie board (new in-game economy)
- sharks in water (LOL)
- wale watch cruise available daily
- volleyball (tournament - emotes - commands)
- submarine dive tour
- /ridewave (on belly) - /swim
- beach ball (for purchase)

PART 4. Birthday/Arcade Hall (TONS OF GAMES with GW characters in them)
- People enjoy celebrating their real birthday with their friends/in-game family
- Charr (or characters of your choice - or all) can sing Happy Birthday and you can blow out/Select your cake

- Play games
- Charr Bowling,
- Whack-a-Dwarf,
- Snowball fights vs. icy imps
- Tag with enemy of your choice
- Paintball or Char shooting (like duck hunt)
- Drinking Contest (like Bartends the old arcade game) or race around the maze with things attacking you as you are drunk
- (like Pole Position) but you are on a worm thru the desert dodgin hydra
- (like Pacman) You are a Rolleyball (I can't think of that enemy name) or crocodile from Elona eating Kournan's and the fruit is bags of gold.
- (PVP Dodgeball) - like the dragon festival you have a set of skills - but for each profession you get a different set of skills, so it inspires you to try different professions to figure out who is best or fastest or most effective.
- Rescue someone from Flint, jump over his tail and doge his dragon breathe

- Tokens can be purchased with gold or tickets can be won in in-game festivals
- Automatically get a certain number of tokens when you purchase the package

PART 5. Rurik vs. Shiro vs. Varesh Battle arena
- You be the character with their builds and PVP vs. each other
- Or PVP with your character vs. someone else playing them
- Or Battle with any of your characters vs. them as is
- Best out of 3
- New Title (Consecutive Wins Vs. Heros/Villains
- This May Improve Their Minipet Prices In-Game
- This May Invoke more PVP play in regular game as well

Other Ideas:

A: Confetti Shoots Out Around you when you hit 1 Million XP, everyone announces into alliance chat when they hit it any way!

B: A Juke Box in guild hall (Volume adjustment and music selection from soundtracks or something - good for dancing)

C: or Music automatically plays when you dance in Guild hall - something special - it is like a home

D: OMG - being able to kick someone while battling - too many ppl have been getting into missions and going AFK the rest of the mission, but still getting credit for it!!

E: Scammers/Racists/Sexism - maybe somewhere in game you can report them - most ppl don't get reported for anything due ot the whole screen shot - description - find the email address - send it out - open the game back up again (ppl are lazy - not I - I report you)

F: A Complain department (doesn't have to really be looked at by you guys) but it will make players FEEL LIKE they are being listened to immediately! Ppl like immediate actions and if they can do something immediately they will "feel like" something will be done right away.

G: An option to customize you guild hall (for example: we have 6 guilds and we like the same guild halls but we don't want them to be the same) maybe where you put your NPCS or lighting or accessories (maybe for the holiday's as well - could be a fun alliance get together to decorate it - A Christmas tree and manorah or something?)

H: Friend's List Bug Fixed PLS! It drives many ppl nuts to see that friends or on when they aren't - whole lists at a time usually.

I: A tamer in Guild Hall - somewhere you can stick your pet and get a new one, but then come back and chose the pet you want... so you can have multiple type of pets, without starting them all the way over again and the tame is easily accessable.

J: Guild Mascot - may be funny to see it run around guild hall or stand in Guild Hall with their cape on for guild photos.

K: A rune or insignia storage - like materials somehow - inventory has still been a major problem... soo many cool (or great) items and saving for future heros or future characters... no room to put them.

L: A Photo Booth - For REALLY Funny photos, but they need to adjust to your characters height (for example: at Halloween in Kamada the Char was too tall for my shortie character (Jolly green shortie) and too short for my too tall character (Zoey Zilla). I went to a party once and they had multiple photos to choose from as backgrounds (for example: Wanted and the characters flex or Guild Clown and the character can do taunt or Future Guild Leader and they can cross their arms or something)

M: Guild Wars videos are a new trend (I have made a few myself) but they are not easy to find on the internet, maybe you can put a link for Homemade Guild Videos (I made one that could have been a commercial for the original prophecies game). We try to keep a list on our forum (Which is becoming a fansite as soon as my fiance' can slow down in work - he works 24/7).

N: A place for Infusion in Elona PLS!

O: Sunspear title 9 - I got up to 8 and I know I won't hit 9 until the new release comes out REALLY put a damper on the whole title thing, was in a race to get People Knows Me.

P: A Guild Hall in which you are a ghost (like you see a powdery figure of yourself instead of just you normally).

MiniPet Economy Fallen
Varesh - CE - mistake = Should have been a Crocodile or RolleyBall (from Elona - everyone
loves that enemy, but not very loud)
Giant - UUUUGLY - mistake = Could have been a Flamingo (pre-release showed it and a lot of
ppl were interested in them)
Kunnavang - too loud - annoying in battles (could you turn it down a bit? - may help get
popularity back up again)
Bone Dragon - too limited but my bday is coming up soon (just kidding sorry)
New Minipets Hints maybe?

Crystaline Sword/Axe/Sheild Hunt (Dropping in HOH any more?)
When does the Nightfall Prima Book Come Out? I have been searching stores for months!!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME ~ I thought of this whole thing in one afternoon - hope you enjoyed it! PLS COMMENT BELOW TO THE ONES YOU WOULD IKE TO SEE HAPPEN!! HEHEHE!! I know it was a lot to read, but it's done now. TY!

Sasuke The Betrayer

Sasuke The Betrayer

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Los Angeles

Pink Pearl


THese are some nice ideas. I'm kind of pissed minipets have lost their values too, especialyl for those who got their minipets a couple months after the first minipets were introduced. Also... I don't think there will be a Nightfall Prima Book for this campaign, or so I hear.

Zoey Shy

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006




I hope the Prima Book comes out - They may be waiting for the Elite Mission to come out. If you think about it, Nightfall came out unfinished, but it will be worth the wait I am sure!!!

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


They're not waiting it was canceled.

but they did say this
That being said, we've aggregated the feedback here and will do our best to publish a Nightfall guide. It might be a downloadable digital version, but hopefully it will help to fill the void.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

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  • Do not post "A Few Ideas" threads. If you have more than one idea ---first double check with the search button and the index thread to make sure they're fresh suggestions, and create a seperate thread for each one with a relevant title.
  • If you don't feel like creating a seperate thread for each suggestion you have, post all of them in the Index of Ideas thread stickied at the top of the forum.
  • Use the Search Button and check the Index thread to make sure you're not repeating an idea.
  • Do it again.