Account Question


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006




I've had my Guild Wars Prophecies account for almost a year now, haven't played it a whole lot due to time etc but anyways, My sister gave me her factions account today because she finished it and has moved onto other things (mainly D&D Online) but I was wondering, she does'nt have the game box and stuff anymore, nothing with her key on it. Is there a way for her to find her key, and if she did could I add it to my prophecies account? or is there a way to combine the 2 accounts so I could continue my proph character into factions? I thought maybe there might be some command you can type in to see your account key, kinda something along the same lines as the /age thingy. If anyone knows it would be appreciated.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Nope sry, Its a one time deal.
Had a quick look st the GW website to see if I could find something that explained it a little more clearly but all I could see was this:
If you wish to merge your Guild Wars campaigns to enable all of your characters to access the content of every campaign that you own, do not create a new account with your key. Instead, add your new access key to your existing account.

Basically once a key is activeted thats it, you choose to use it as a standalone item giving all the char slots or add it to another account and gain just 2 slots.
At least you got a few extra slots to play with and extra storage account