Only items from your primary class would be attainable.
All skins would be unique to the end of game items.
Only one item per charachter.
Beat the game and make your own item from all available inscriptions and mods.
Create it, craft it and it is named for you and customized for you.
It's yours and only yours. Throw it away. Use it. Do whatever you want with it. It'll more likely than not be exactly what you want and actually mean someting to you.
Your Warrior, Baron Karza, just beat the game and you have decided to craft a shield. You opted for a +30/-10 slashing one after perusing all mods and inscriptions available for shields.
Baron Karza's Aegis has just been created. It's yours and yours (and your heros) alone to use.
Just a thought.
How the end of game reward item should be done - an opinion/suggestion
Mr Crapsicle
Curse You
What about people like me? I have a warrior with all the weapons I ever need for them. So, am I only going to be able to choose a weapon I really don't want or need?
Agree with CUrse You.
When i completed Factions for the firs ttime i traded my Amulet of the Mists for Ceremonial Daggers, becoz my necro had everything he needed already.
I find this solution a bit too limited, even with possible inscriptions etc.
/not signed
When i completed Factions for the firs ttime i traded my Amulet of the Mists for Ceremonial Daggers, becoz my necro had everything he needed already.
I find this solution a bit too limited, even with possible inscriptions etc.
/not signed