I am the leader of a 3 week old guild with 99 members. We had 9 allies of which I was not the leader. We decided to part ways. I am have only been playing GW for 3 months. I am interested in having a guild where young and old regardless of experience can feel at home and have fun.
Do I need to have allies?
A full guild and no allies?
Do you have to do anything? lol No. But certainly it'd be nice to have for some.
The only thing allies are *needed* for is to farm enough faction to hold a town in Cantha.
Beyond that allies can provide a larger pool of people to team with, assuming you communicate with Alliance Chat. It opens up some PvP possibilities if there are multiple guild halls within the alliance.
Beyond that allies can provide a larger pool of people to team with, assuming you communicate with Alliance Chat. It opens up some PvP possibilities if there are multiple guild halls within the alliance.
Alliances are a great tool for ensuring you have enough folks available to do things like GvG or Elite missions. A good alliance makes a huge difference I would think, but a bad alliance would just drag you down.
Also, you probably should consider that some of your folks might have been in your guild because of your alliance.
Also, you probably should consider that some of your folks might have been in your guild because of your alliance.
Magi Locustaire
personally i think the whole faction race was annoying, i've been in every alliance that has owned house zu heltzer, and the faction farming got old really fast.. i'm glad anet did away with it in nightfall... THANK YOU ANET. and as the world of guild wars grows with an expansion every 6 months, the faction will keep dropping lower and lower with each expansion as the players draw farther and farther away from cantha.
If you want allies, form a sister guild.
Take your most trusted officer--err, member, as all of your members are officers, if I recall correctly from another thread--allow them to choose who they wish to take with them, form another guild. You can then grow the second guild with the same principles as your original guild, and hopefully make a very strong alliance.
Take your most trusted officer--err, member, as all of your members are officers, if I recall correctly from another thread--allow them to choose who they wish to take with them, form another guild. You can then grow the second guild with the same principles as your original guild, and hopefully make a very strong alliance.