

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

#1) Are people just really cheap tightwads or is the economy so bad right now with all the nerfs that no one wants to spend anything?

Like 2 months ago I could sell anything if it were perfect. Now I cant sell a req9 Sephis Axe and a Perfect Desolation sword. YEA SO they are inscribed but that should'nt make a damn difference in the sale value of a weapon because its just the same thing as one of the same kind with the same stats from before the introduction of inscriptions. If people wont spend the cash then someone needs to re-write the priceguide on this site for the high end weapons and mark them down to 1/4 of thier prices or less. Cause if a perfect req 9 Sephis "supposedly" sells for 600-900k those statistics shouldnt be taken from one or two sales. Or someone should introduce a baseline or unofficial priceguide for all the new weapons and inscriptions based on some false assumptions of what things may sell for.

#2) If the economy is so bad and people are poor then why would anet think that the bot farming/selling gwgold will stop?

#3) I guess we will have to pay a monthly fee before an auction house of some sort is ever introduced with set or baseline prices for all weapons and mods.

I dont do HoH or anything so whatever might drop from that chest for me is irrelevant. But if i cant sell my stuff because they are inscribed how am I supposed to pay for the things I want in the new campaigns when solo farming is out of the question? Hell I see minipets that are totally useless selling for more. At least Ill be one of the few who own a perfect sephis axe. Ill just customize it so it will be of some use. Cause Im not giving it away so someone else can sell it to make even more off it.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


a perfect Max damage weapon with inherent damage modifiers will ALWAYS be sold for more than it's inscribed equivalent.
Becoz the inscription can be added to it, which can't be said from the inherent mods.
Noting more, nothing less to it
Yes the stats are the same but the moral value isn't

I'm very happy with my similar-to-the-Razorstone Chaos Axe req 8.

exiled mat

exiled mat

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

The netherlands > friesland > balk

[JAMM] Justified Ancients of Moo Moo


Well not everyone has 600-900K ...
And then not everyone is crazy enough to buy a sword or axe for such a high amount :P




Join Date: Jul 2005

Most of the high end buyers couldn't afford the ebay rates at NF release.

Apparently moms credit does have a limit after all.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


You do realize, dont you, that the price guides here are done by volunteers, right? Why don't YOU go write an updated price guide before you bitch about it.

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by ectospasm
#1) Are people just really cheap tightwads or is the economy so bad right now with all the nerfs that no one wants to spend anything?

Like 2 months ago I could sell anything if it were perfect. Now I cant sell a req9 Sephis Axe and a Perfect Desolation sword. YEA SO they are inscribed but that should'nt make a damn difference in the sale value of a weapon because its just the same thing as one of the same kind with the same stats from before the introduction of inscriptions. If people wont spend the cash then someone needs to re-write the priceguide on this site for the high end weapons and mark them down to 1/4 of thier prices or less. Cause if a perfect req 9 Sephis "supposedly" sells for 600-900k those statistics shouldnt be taken from one or two sales. Or someone should introduce a baseline or unofficial priceguide for all the new weapons and inscriptions based on some false assumptions of what things may sell for.

#2) If the economy is so bad and people are poor then why would anet think that the bot farming/selling gwgold will stop?

#3) I guess we will have to pay a monthly fee before an auction house of some sort is ever introduced with set or baseline prices for all weapons and mods.

I dont do HoH or anything so whatever might drop from that chest for me is irrelevant. But if i cant sell my stuff because they are inscribed how am I supposed to pay for the things I want in the new campaigns when solo farming is out of the question? Hell I see minipets that are totally useless selling for more. At least Ill be one of the few who own a perfect sephis axe. Ill just customize it so it will be of some use. Cause Im not giving it away so someone else can sell it to make even more off it.
Um... you ever thought people pay for non-inscribed Sephis Axes because they are rarer than the inscribable ones??? OMFG PEOPLE ACTUALLY PAY MORE FOR ITEMS WHICH ARE RARE. Its like someone expecting a diamante earring to be worth the same as a real diamond version.

A inscriptable Sephis axe IS NOT THE SAME as a non-inscriptable one.

Tons of sephis axes sold for well over a million gold. The prices listed in the price check forum were not based off 2 sales. If you actually knew anything about Sephis axes and their rarity you would know that many have sold for 600-900k. In some cases more. The price lists were accurate but OMFG price actually change. Ever thought it would be hard to keep updating it especially since people made it out of the kindness of their heart. They arnt paid and dont have 24/7 to work on it. Maybe instead of winging and crying because you cant sell some common weapon you should contribute instead of whine.

All people arnt poor. You are just incapable of using your brain to work out how to make gold. Quit sticking to cookie-cutter gold making methods. Ive read tons of posts where people have made millions since Nightfalls release and had little gold to begin with.

Anet will never make all weapons cost a set amount. Just the mention of it really suggests the level of intelligence you have.

Whine whine whine. I cant sell my common Sephis Axe for thousands of gold and am too lazy to think of decent ways of making gold. Whine whine whine.

BTW you dont need gold for luxury weapons!!! You can play further chapters and use collectors items. If you want nice stuff work for it.

What makes you think someone can sell it for more?

A entertaining post and a great read

gene terrodon

gene terrodon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Maryland/DC Area

Farmers Unite [FU]


In my experience, it seems as if a core weapon with inscriptions is considered a "knockoff" of the same weapon with the inherent mod.

Look at it this way.....

It's the difference between buying an authentic sports team jersey ($250 or more) or a replica jersey ($50-$80).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Karr's Castle


umm.. maybe cuz nothing it worth so much friggin gold.

You realise the only reason things sell for so much is because thousands of people BUY gold. The only reason anyone was ever afforded so much for items in the first place is based on a broken economy. The "tightwads" are the real players.

I'd say it means people are getting SMARTER or they are cutting down on ebay gold sellers.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


I saw some people selling a 15^50 inscription for 6-10k last night. So you're telling me the req9 Sephis Axe part is worth 590K?

Anything you can "put together" is not going to be worth as much as a weapon with inherent mods. Pre-Nightfall weapons come as is, you can't do anything about it.

Req 8 13^50? #I$&#(*&@. Req 13 15^50? $(*&#@#

Req 8 13^50? WTB 15^50 mod for 5k Req 13 15^50? Salvage and get 15^50.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

I can't speak for others. But for me, I never buy rare stuff. first of all, I don't have that kind of money, and I won't spend time to farm for money. I play GW for fun, not to get rich. If I want to be rich, I'd play stock market in the real world.
I can spend much less money to get weapons that deal the same damage, or do the same sorts of things. The only thing I'm missing is the skin. But, how often do you pay attention to what kind of weapon skins the other player are using in a PUG, till they start pinning "I'm welding xxxx", which eventually annoys me.
But that's just me.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by Nickelocene
I can't speak for others. But for me, I never buy rare stuff. first of all, I don't have that kind of money, and I won't spend time to farm for money. I play GW for fun, not to get rich. If I want to be rich, I'd play stock market in the real world.
I can spend much less money to get weapons that deal the same damage, or do the same sorts of things. The only thing I'm missing is the skin. But, how often do you pay attention to what kind of weapon skins the other player are using in a PUG, till they start pinning "I'm welding xxxx", which eventually annoys me.
But that's just me.
I agree with you there. For some reason I get caught up in the Guild Wars whirlpool and start thinking that things are really worth wasting my time trying to buy or sell when theoretically everything in this game is worth NOTHING in terms of real world cash or gw gold. Its nice to have nice things in the game but yea who cares but the 12 year olds, which I start acting like one myself. Then post here on this forum thats ran by 12 yr olds and get flamed by 12 yr olds like im expecting some sort of professional advice to resolve my childish aspirations with a mature conversation. When knowing THIS isnt the place to do so. Funny how a game can just totally piss you off sometimes.

And Herbalizer. No I dont keep up with the rarity of Sephis axes nor did I ever contemplate inscriptions making a weapons value lesser than its previous campaigns counterpart. That I suppose was determined by the hardcore group of gw gamers who set the rules into motion?... Although I do appreciate the hard work put into price guides, wiki information, by various sources, I myself am not "contributing" because I have a very different oppinion on inscriptions and the like as to they to me, are the same as anything else.. People put 20/20 & 30hp mods on old weapons as can people put a 15^50 mod on a new inscribable weapon. Its the same difference. Same weapon, same skin, theres no "original" and no "generic" They both do the same amount of damage and serve the same purpose. Though when I say that people like you will go WTF OMG this is BS! inscriptions are lame and are worthless!@$% Boycott the guide! /notsigned.. etc etc.

And btw I used to make money hardcore solo farming until nightfall. Now I dont really care other than needing some for skills and armors & oddball junk. Which I do have everything i'll ever use in this game for all of my characters. Tons of greens and golds and several sets of max armor for different purposes. Almost every skill unlocked from prophecies and factions. Maybe when i give up on this self destructing game I can sell my account to someone who cares. .. No wait, I wont get any bids cause it will be too high. I'll just give it away to someone who is struggling like I have to make ends meet.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

Good comeback



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

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Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Then post here on this forum thats ran by 12 yr olds
I can assure you this forum isn't run by 12 yr olds.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

This is the Q&A forum, not the "rant with a question tacked on" forum. Closed.