Torn between char creation



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Agony Scene


ok, so i have 4 pve chars, all have completed a campain. I really want to either make an Assasin or an Elonian mesmer. I really want a sin, but i cant be bothered completing factions. I would make a mesmer, but i just deleted my factions mesmer becauseit wasn't getting very far in factions. I want to make an sin in elona, but since its not possible, i dont want to go through the storyline till i get to kaineg. Arg! Which should i choose?!?!

/fit of rage

/calms down

/another fit of rage

Effendi Westland

Effendi Westland

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Isle of the dead



Make assassin in Cantha, after the newbe quests go to Elona as quickly as possible.

Or, make a mesmer in Elona, they rock.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Luxury problem.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Assassins might make better farmers. Dunno.

Warrior Of The Toon

Warrior Of The Toon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006

Returning after a 50 month break. Hi.



Tbh I found my sin a bit boring and deleted him just after Tanakai Palace, all I tended to do use the same order of skills constantly and spam a few of them before stepping out, got boring pretty quick. However I haven't played a mesmer, but from what I hear they can't be worse than a sin.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I created a mesmer in factions with no intention of going thru most of the missions---after the noob island I went to elona (well, I stopped in tyria to get some free skills first, but I dont plan on doing the missions there) you can create a factions toon and get off the island and go to another place with it, be it tyria or elona. Hope this helps (and we see your sin in elona soon, or the mesmer )



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

Melbourne, Australia

I'd like to be able to start a Rit in Ascalon. Be great fun I reckon.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



rit in ascalon is very fun -- I took mine through the whole Proph just for the fun of it. They really flesh out teams and make every mission easier than having one more of the core professions. The fire island missions were a breeze with a spirit spammer. Plus ppl think they are cool there.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I made a Mesmer in Elona. Fun as heck, kills that whole beginning area by himself most times.

My Sin is collecting dust. Has been for... 6ish months.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006




Only downside with bringing an Assassin to Elona the way you would want to, meaning rushing through Factions to Kaineng and the getting to Elona, is that you character and his Heros would be low leveled. Every foreign character that reaches Elona only has a few missions to complete on the Island, then they are shipped over to the mainland where you instantly will face level 20 foes. You could run around on the Island, killing mobs and level that way, but you would have to do it without having any missions, and how much fun is that? I would atleast try and reach level 12-15 before going to Elona, then you wouldn´t be that vulnerable on the mainland. If you have played factions before, you will reach that level in just a few hours.

My 2 cents



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


The Eyes of Ashtabula [Eyes]

All I can suggest for the Sin is to get run to the mainland and then travel to Elona. Yes you need to do a few missions, but grab someone high enough and they can run through them pretty quick as well.

Then in theory you'll still be low enough to get some of the Sunspear point bounties and level up your heroes while you farm that for a bit to get them skills.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


I'd go with the mesmer option. I love my mesmer but TBH they aren't too great in PvE. Since you seem like a PvP guy go mesmer!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


I know how you feel.
I'm torn between making a Monk in Prophecies or Factions, or a Necro in Prophecies or Nightfall.
I keep deleting/re-creating the same characters over and over again. I decided on a Necro from Prophecies cause I haven't played through the game in a while, and the only reason was because I like the character creation options better. But, now I just want to play through Nightfall again.

I'd say go with the Assassin and brace yourself for the brief Shing Jea Island training, then once off the island head to Elona ASAP. Mesmers are fun but every time I make one I never play them. I'm so used to melee characters though. Personal preference.

Just remember you can always delete characters.
Just don't do it 293502139571 times like me ...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Northeast USA

Guilded Rose


Originally Posted by artay
i have 4 pve chars
for PVE, I recommend Assassin over Mesmer

I love Mesmers but they shine best in PVP



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Agony Scene


Thanks guys for all replies, I think that I will create a Sin. I've created a mesmer a few times (without successs in keeping active) and i basically know how they work. That is why I am so interested in sins, because i have never played as one. So thank you everyone for replies. hehehe I might create a mesmer in chap4



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Mesmers ARE good in PvE. In fact, they're probably better in PvE than in PvP because monsters are stupid enough to cast through backfire, frenzy through empathy or keep casting with an interrupter on their ass.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


I vote the Mesmer, too. But then, I have one of every class but assassin so I might be biased.

(I tried assassin - I was actually really gung ho on making one, but I never really got playing one right, and decided eh, I don't really need another character, I'll just play with my Mesmer, heh).

And there's some cute options for an Elonian Mesmer, IMO.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


If an assassin is what you really want then go for it. But you will need to stay in Cantha for a little while. You will need some skills and need to cap elites most are unfortunately later in the game. I suggest you start with an Assassin/Ranger get to the Unwaking Waters (Could be wrong) It is the 1st luxon side mission and Cap Barrage. On some missions it comes in handy. Critical Barrager is good fun.