About the Elite Zone

Tauren Arcanist

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Vanquishers Island

Jenns Ungulating Glory Globes[JuGG]


Has there been any official information released by Anet about it other then the last episode of the scribe? Link would be much obliged



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


Not to my knowledge.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

You mean about the Nightfall Elite mission? No, arenanet decided to rip us off of our once-every-2-games mini-expansion and is giving us an elite mission which they already owe us.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


I don't think A-Net and NC-Soft "owe" us anything. As far as an "elite mission" within the near future one is not realy needed.What I think should happen is they should open the existing "elite missions" to those players who have met a certian critria 1: completed both Factions and Profecies, 2: have at least 4 titles maxed out (doesn't matter which titles), 3: linked titles should not count towards the number of titles you need to have to get into the Elite Mission, ity should be only those titles that are character specific.
I think that they should open a new area like Sorrows Furnace instea of making an "Elite Mission", one where everyone has a chance of going into it if they dare to test their skills.

Mega Mouse

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Other than the hint from the scribe, and the promise that one will be available between now and December 25th, no none at all