Elonian in Tyria
Is it just me or can Elonians not enter any mission before lions arch with Tyrian players in the party?
Nor can Canthans. Im not sure why.
Sasuke The Betrayer
The incident in Cantha happened right around when the Tyrian Heroes arrived at Lion's Arch. It wouldn't make sense that Elonian Characters or Canthan characters could somehow "go back in the past"... Also... The incident in Elona happened 2 years after the whole prophecy thing, so I'm not sure how that makes any sense either... Oh well!
Xenex Xclame
The lich lord dooming earth (tyria) and Shyro doing his thing at the end happend in exactly the same year.( use your books that you got with NF
) the whole Elona thing starts 3 years after that.

Originally Posted by Sasuke The Betrayer
The incident in Cantha happened right around when the Tyrian Heroes arrived at Lion's Arch. It wouldn't make sense that Elonian Characters or Canthan characters could somehow "go back in the past"... Also... The incident in Elona happened 2 years after the whole prophecy thing, so I'm not sure how that makes any sense either... Oh well!
Hench those few first mission. They cant be that hard with a high lvl. (not sure tho. dont have proph yet)
Yeah, just hero those missions.. c'mon, you should have at least 3 heroes. =P
Cow Tale
thats sucks that it wont let u play with other prople. id rather them fix that problem than use the dumb heros. at least they made the heros use emotes so all u ppl using them that have no friends can feel special.
I advice you to solo the first mission if you want to do the bonus. The henchies (and heroes) will eat your drops: they also eat your bonus items.
That is of course if they did not fix that part, which is possible since I did not play there for a long, long time.
That is of course if they did not fix that part, which is possible since I did not play there for a long, long time.
I prefere playing alongside real players... Heros are only back up drones for me and i won't play with them unless i have to. I think i prefere PUGS because you never know what your going to get... You meet some nice players, but you also meet mean players... You meet expierenced players who can share tips, but you meet new players who you can help... This puts a whole new feel to a mission you've done countless times before as its never quite the same this way. Heros are boring as it's all the same and there's no banter...
But anyhoo i did great northern wall with heros and the bonus drops weren't effected, so that bug must be fixed. But i would of rather done it with Tyrian players much like i did at Fort Ranik.
But anyhoo i did great northern wall with heros and the bonus drops weren't effected, so that bug must be fixed. But i would of rather done it with Tyrian players much like i did at Fort Ranik.
Do you guys get exp the first time you do the missions in Tyria? So far I'm noticing that I'm getting no xp from the missions upon completion nor from the bonus for that matter on my cantha eley. Any idea what's up with that?
Only the mission zones before Lions Arch give no skill points. After that non-Tyrians get skill points etc. from missions just like normal Tyrians.
You should be able to enter all mission zones with Canthans and Elonians too. There might be some warning "you're about to enter with a character not from this campaign" or something, but just click yes/ok to that and it will let you in. I went through with some Canthan characters through Prophecies so I know you can.
If you still can't, possibly some new bug has been introduced.
You should be able to enter all mission zones with Canthans and Elonians too. There might be some warning "you're about to enter with a character not from this campaign" or something, but just click yes/ok to that and it will let you in. I went through with some Canthan characters through Prophecies so I know you can.
If you still can't, possibly some new bug has been introduced.