Auction House?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Feners Reve

I haven't heard anything about the possibility of some kind of auction house for some time. Was wondering if anyone else by chance had? As I for one would really love to see one in Guild Wars. As it would be soo much easier to trade, instead of having to go to the guru auction house or spaming trade channels.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

[DoA] - The Darknights of Ascalon


Already countless threads on the subject of an auction house. Search Button FTW...

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


The rumor about one was started back in factions and to my knowledge won't be available, even tho it would dramatically change the WTS WTB spams in LA, Droks and Kaening



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Feners Reve

Originally Posted by Dalimoor_Kalkire
Already countless threads on the subject of an auction house. Search Button FTW...
I did use the search button...but quite a bit can happen in a month, was just wondering if anyone had heard anything. Because I don't usaully keep up to date on all of the dev chats, gaile posts, site postings etc. It's a lot faster and easier to simply ask, then to read though pages and pages of topics/news info.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Still a rumor that auction house will be introduce in NF.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

there will not be an auction house as people would simply use it for storage by having super high minimum bids.

they said improved trading not an auction house.

also where do you draw the line at what is accepted for auction and what is not?

as soon as you need to have a high value item to use the auction house that defeats its purpose.

if you let everybody enter their first purple merchant fodder you place as much extra load on the servers as unlimited storage would.

so no auction house



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by Loviatar
there will not be an auction house as people would simply use it for storage by having super high minimum bids.

they said improved trading not an auction house.

also where do you draw the line at what is accepted for auction and what is not?

as soon as you need to have a high value item to use the auction house that defeats its purpose.

if you let everybody enter their first purple merchant fodder you place as much extra load on the servers as unlimited storage would.

so no auction house
Simple solution... Limit the amount of auctions a player can host at one time.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Nestaron
Simple solution... Limit the amount of auctions a player can host at one time.
true but............

5? extra bag

10? extra bag with rune of holding

20? full extra storage vault.

plus the extra lag caused by the check my auction traffic.

as they have stated better trading.

also they are bringing down prices hard.

expecting (my opinion) mod traders in the not to distant future.

that would cut the WTB/WTS by orders of magnetude alone

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


Originally Posted by Loviatar
there will not be an auction house as people would simply use it for storage by having super high minimum bids.
LOL that's...well, stupid. For one thing there is a deposit usually required. often a percentage of the listed starting price/buyout, etc.

Improved trading...well, we need a trade/barter/auction house. No matter how many of these thread topics come and go. No matter all the comments about "use forum search", the fact remains the topic won't go away because players want it.

Any one that has played other games will understand that a trade interface (AKA concession NPC, auction house) is a general game improvement for games and has been around for a while.

The idea of requiring players to spend inordinate amounts of time hawking their wares one by one goes against the whole idea of "get to the fun part" of ANet's game philosophy.

At least give us the ability to hyper link items in trade chat....sheesh.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
LOL that's...well, stupid. For one thing there is a deposit usually required. often a percentage of the bid, etc.
and you get your deposit back usually.

what you are missing (and makes it *not stupid*) is this would be used by the high rollers who have the gold to spare out of chump change.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006



Already mentioned, but the more the better i suppose. Has been submitted to Anet many times. As of now they are neither confirming nor denying plans for an auction house.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

If there's nothing more than the usual speculation and suggestions, then this thread is done. If you can't find new news via the front page or search, then there probably isn't any. Closed.