Mesmer, hammer warrior, heavy debuffer, etc. would benefit greatly from being able to attack a target one-on-one, without having heroes and henches automatically switch to assist you. I'd love to be able to shut down a dangerous target while my henchies beat up on his friends, but that's not always easy with the interface.. The lock-on crosshair helps quite a bit, but hunting and clicking it for three heroes is a pain.
I'd like to see key-bindable commands for:
1-3) Lock hero 1-3 on current target.
4) Lock all heroes on current target.
It's an easy thing to implement, and I think it would be quite handy. If it would be possible in the long-run to designate a target for henchmen as well, that'd be cool, but it'd be pretty simple to build on what we've already got for heroes, at least.