inspired by Makaelthos Solcry
tell me what pages in your CE art book you found was not in the game or dosent even look like it would have fit in the game
I think i found a clue to gw4 on page 29
and if you dont have a book its a picture of a evil jiant looken dude with a big axe and long teeth.what else do you think would give gw4 away?
feel free to ask questions about the pages also
the Elona art book,,,,,Hints???
Tide to Go
Night Daftshadow
It could just be concept art that was not implemented into the game or it could be something in Chapter 4. Who knows
Guildmaster Cain
Actually the picture looks very similar to Sadistic and Nomad Giants in the Desolation...
Originally Posted by Night Daftshadow
It could just be concept art that was not implemented into the game or it could be something in Chapter 4. Who knows
very relaxing. i meditate there often
Remember that "concept" art is just ideas not put into graphics yet. So the graphics designers and artists often change the detailed appearance of concept art that is given to them.
Concept art is concept art... the name itself says that it's not the final version of art pieces. It's only concept. Many concepts wont even reach the final game... but it's nice to fill manuals etc with it.
wish there was a way to buy all three artbooks besides collectors