Pls help me locate these skills...
Were can i find Trapper's Speed and Tripwire. I have looked on wiki and the locations of these skills are not shown.
Well, if you have Gates of Torment, those skills should be there, as most, if not all, Nightfall non-elites are there at the skill trainer.
Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
Well, if you have Gates of Torment, those skills should be there, as most, if not all, Nightfall non-elites are there at the skill trainer.
You need to complete the Desolation missions, ending with Ruins of Morah. When you have completed Ruins of Morah (and what a treat that is) you end up in the Gates of Torment.
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
You need to complete the Desolation missions, ending with Ruins of Morah. When you have completed Ruins of Morah (and what a treat that is) you end up in the Gates of Torment.

i'm pretty sure you can get Trapper's Speed as early as Yohlon Haven, since my Tyrian ranger has that skill but is only as far as Sunspear Sanctuary.
Trappers Speed you can unlock using the Hero Skill trainer at Command Post
Tripwire is also available at a Hero Skill trainer after you've done some Desolation questing
Tripwire is also available at a Hero Skill trainer after you've done some Desolation questing