Say I'm a paragon spearing Guy A. But Energizing finale is about to end on guy B so I have to highlight him and use finale on him, stop, tab tab tab tab tab, and commence spearing. Complicated.. but it doesn't have to be...
An "auto" target system where your default action is to pursue and attack your target will smooth out pvp play for classes that use skills on targetted enemies and allies. This way you would only have to target the foe once, and you will be able to highlight your allies and cast spells and chants on them without having to sift through all the enemies again to find your original target.
Controlled "auto" attack targetting
Not A Fifty Five
Not A Fifty Five
woohoo! apparently this already happens.. well now that I've done the stupidest thing I can on this forum I dont have to worry about making myself look liek an idiot