Pre-Searing, What was your best weapond drop?



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Adelaide, Australia

Holy Champions of Justice


With all the people returning to Pre for the Defender of Ascalon title I was wondering what was the best legitimate weapon / offhand or combination you have ever gotten in Pre-Searing. Did it drop or did you purchase, and did you sell it or gave away to a needy player?
What area did the item drop? Was it white / purple or rare?

In the last 2 days I have had
(purple) Bone staff energy +6 dmg 8? – 13 dmg +18% while hexed energy +4 for a total energy of 10 very nice for a monk in pre as the energy had no req (Sill have)

(blue) Offhand energy 7 req 4 domination (gave away)
(purple) Cane, energy +4 dmg 8 -13 for a total of 41 energy when used with the offhand total very nice. (gave away)

(purple) icy longbow dmg 11-18 (sold 400g)

(Blue) Butterfly sword or fortitude 7-11 +27hp (still have)
(purple) Shield armor 12 +50hp while hexed good for charr (Still have on monk)

(Blue) Smiting staff 9-13 dmg +17 hp +6 energy has a 13% chance ½ casting time (still have)

Ele: no good drops yet as I have only just restarted most I have gotten was a fire or ice offhand +5 energy