Were Crippling hammer and bow upgrades removed?
If so , when ?
thank you in advance.
Crippling hammer haft and crippling bow string?
Phoenix Arrows
No, Crippling Bow Strings are still here. I just modded a PvP bow with one like 2 minutes ago. Crippling Hammer Haft...is there a such thing?
Mesmer in Need
i have a crippling bowstring. its for pin down, cripshot. i havent seen or ever wanted to use a crippling hammer haft. i dont know why you would need one, theres no hammer skills that cripple.
is the crippling upgrade a Factions only thing? I dont have this upgrade cuz I dont own Factions?
I'm not a genious on the PvP unlocks, but not everything is available for unlock, at least in the rune section.
re: is crippling bowstring factions:
yes, it was introduced in factions, along with barbed. You may be able to find in Elona also though.
yes, it was introduced in factions, along with barbed. You may be able to find in Elona also though.
I only have Prophecies, and I salvaged a crippling bowstring from a drop. Im confused now, because if I got one, its probably core, might be Prophecies, but has to be one of those too.
is this a bug or this is what it is. if its a bug, I will submit it to a-net to fix, if its what it is then I guess I have to buy Factions?
It must be a bug, crippling bow strings were found and used ever since Prophecies.
I checked guildwikis history for crippling and it looks like the bowstrings were added in factions.
There is no crippling hammer haft though it is possible to cripple someone with a hammer with Druken/Desperation blow. Desperation blow was also the only way to cause bleeding with an axe till factions came out but the barbed axe haft has been there since Prophecies its hammer discrimination I say!
There is no crippling hammer haft though it is possible to cripple someone with a hammer with Druken/Desperation blow. Desperation blow was also the only way to cause bleeding with an axe till factions came out but the barbed axe haft has been there since Prophecies its hammer discrimination I say!