Best method of unlocking?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Illusion of Leetness [NERF]


Recently I've been trying to unlock everything for PvP, or at least as much as I can. I've just been playing RA over and over again as a boon prot, and the faction comes in at a steady rate, but it's pretty boring. Is there anything I can do for faster faction, or at least something with the same faction gain rate but that is much more entertaining?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006


Well higher level pvp is always more fun. If your guild does TA, GvG etc ask if you can get in on it. It may be however that a change of pace is all thats needed. Try playing a warrior or an ele for a bit (or indeed any of the classes that take your fancy).

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

We Are All Pretty [ugly]


Perhaps try out Hero Battles this weekend for 2x Faction?

But yeah, you might wanna try some other profession for a while.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Well the issue with trying something else in ra is that a monk is often enough to take a team to 10 wins. This is not always true but certainly helps. Trying a new class would then remove the monk on your team so to speak a lot of the time and expose you to a new class. This may work out fine but it also has the potential to backfire and generate noticably less faction.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pantheon of Shadows [dei]


HA gets tons of faction - matches go quick (unless you face a two paragon holding build) so you should be able to get some quick easy faction with something as simple as Searing Flames.

Also GvG is good faction - Upwards of 1k for a win isn't bad.

EDIT: Also keep in mind that you can unlock a lot of skills easily in PvE.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


If your absolutly new to the game PvE unlocking is way quicker for unlocking skills(if you have money and do okay on some mssions). If your trying to unlock elites having one char through any story and having lots of towns unlocked works well. It's just getting from point A to C thats going to chew up time.

If your running a boon prot in randoms and are good at it then your likely to be able to get a decent amount unlocked quicker then most others. The reasons being quiters, runners and just the wrong match up of skills present.