Hi guys
im getting a war helm. but when i go the forgemaster, theres like diff types just for the helm, like
war helm
war duelist helm
war excutioner helm
im confused which one to get. i will be using axe. so should i get the exuctioner helm? wats the point of the normal one (war helm)? u can just get another one tat has more stats/armour.
fow armour war helm
it depends on what build you plan on using. different helms add different effects, useful to different builds.
since you're axe, overall an executioners helm would be best.
since you're axe, overall an executioners helm would be best.
Yea wow, that's different from when I got my armor. I just got the Gladiator's Helm, but now it's much more complicated. So I suggest just to do some research first.
-Cateran Overlord-

The one that plainly says "warrior's helm" is modifiable with insignias (not 100% on this, correct me if I'm wrong).
It's the most versatile, but most expensive (you have to buy the insignias). If you exclusively use axe, go for the axe based one.
It's the most versatile, but most expensive (you have to buy the insignias). If you exclusively use axe, go for the axe based one.
im tryin to do research but cant find any info. tats y im asking. 
i dont think im gona get a couple of fow helm. one is enough. i like chao axe cos it looks cool so i think i will be using most of the time.

i dont think im gona get a couple of fow helm. one is enough. i like chao axe cos it looks cool so i think i will be using most of the time.
Why is this more complicated than buying helms from other armor merchants? There are specific helms preloaded with the +1 stats - hammer, axe, sword, tactics and strength. Just like with elementalists, rangers, and all other classes. All FoW sets also now have a base version without any mods that you can put insignias on. If you want to just get one, get the base one then you can change out the stats on it any time you want.