I am considering buying factions from the online store, via my credit card. It tells me that the upgrade will automaticly go onto the account I visited the store with. I'd like to know if I get provided with a copy of the access/cd key along with this? I can't say I'm fussed on the idea of recieving an account without knowing the key it is using...
P.S I'd also like to know if there's somewhere I can purchase a collectors edition key for Proph..
~~ Buying a key from online store, question ~~
You won't have a key as the online store automatically applies it to your account for you

Telcontar of Gondor
It doesn't really matter, since you can't see (or at least couldn't last time I checked) the keys you've applied to your account anyway.
Knightsaber Sith
As for the Prophecies CE; here's one for the low low price of 299.95 USD 

Whispering Siren
You get a receipt e-mailed to you that contains the key.
Ok thanks guys.
p.s....300usd for ce proph...that's hillarious
p.s....300usd for ce proph...that's hillarious