sunspears don't give blessings in plains of jarin after 21th november update

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




i don't get any points anymore with my first account(i have 2) in plains of jarin after the 21th november update, none of my characters can't get blessings, neither of my tyrian, canthan or elonian characters can't, and NO, i didn't get them already, before that update i could do them, but after none of my first account can, is this a bug or is something wrong with my account?
and what should i do with it? posting in bugs topic? or nothing, so that i can't do them, i still wanna do them

edit: i have rank not higher than 3 of the sunspears


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


What is your level? If im not mistaken Sunspear rewards stop being given to you on Jarin after level 8. or thereabouts.

Try moving to a different area to test if you can get them there.

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

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um bug maybe.....mega she/he said its all of his char and if im not mistaken tyrian chars can get the blessing from anywahere even atb lvl 20..if not then nothing i can say lol


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Nither of my lvl 20's tyrians got blessings anywhere on newbie island.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


For newbie island that is normal...


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Tested with my level 5 Dervish (level 3 in the sunspear line) and got the blessing outside of Kamadan.

Kais Unduli

Kais Unduli

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Room V

Originally Posted by mega_jamie
What is your level? If im not mistaken Sunspear rewards stop being given to you on Jarin after level 8. or thereabouts.

Try moving to a different area to test if you can get them there.
It's level 8 or 9 that they stop giving the blessings out.

For the OP, try heading down to the Issnur Isles or the Keys. You should be able to get the blessings there. However, you stop receiving the blessings in Istan once you reach Sunspear Commander (rank6).

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




lol, my mo/r lvl 20 from tyria got a blessing from plains of jarin, but my other chars can't get them anymore, and as i said : i still wanna do them, my other account CAN do them while higher than lvl 8, now i like those blessings because it's something i like to get while exploring the island, so what should i do? i hope arenanet can fix this kinda bug/mistake so that all of my characters can do them



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


On the note once you get Sunspear Rank 8, no scounts will give you Blessings... anywhere. Currently its impossible to max it out.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
On the note once you get Sunspear Rank 8, no scounts will give you Blessings... anywhere. Currently its impossible to max it out.
I thought you had to kill monsters that can be resurrected by their monks over and over again. Can't you do that anymore either?

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




so it's not the characters lvl? because i now saw that my tyrian chars can't do it at my other account either, but i say"not anymore" because before that update i could've done it with my tyrian mo/r lvl 20
i hope they'll make it possible again, i don't understand :S



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Update did not do anything.

Its still the same way it was when the game came out.

At certain point in the newbie island, they stop giving you blessings. Tyrian and Canthan characters get nothing there to begin with.

And once you hit level 8 no one in the mailnland gives you blessings.
You can still get points but doing quests.

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




thats stupid then, i think i'll suggest this one for allowing tyrian and canthan getting those blessings, and as i said: my tyrian mo/r lvl 20 could get it BEFORE that update



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


I have been having the same problem but in all areas. My TYRIAN Characters cannot get past lvl 7 sunspear. I have even gone into the highest lvl areas where sunspear points can be gotten with no luck. This needs to be fixed, and I thought it was.

Mega Mouse



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

I got to Sunspear Commander on the island and can't get blessings anymore, though I can still get points for doing quests. On the mainland I stopped getting blessings at Castellan, which is the highest Sunspear rank you can currently get (unless you do the kill/res/kill thing and stay in explorable area forever).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


Plains of Jarin never gave blessings to my lvl 20 Canthan and Tyrian characters.

I could get blessings south of Beknur Harbor with those characters, but once you get past 1,000 sunspear points, you can't get blessings anywhere on the island. Plains of Jarin stopped for my Dervish when she hit about 400/500 sunspear points.

But really, don't waste too much time farming sunspear points on the island. Once you can get to the mainland, blessings start giving you 4 points for every kill. Wish I'd thought of that before hand.

As stated, once you hit 7,500 sunspear points (Sunspear Castellan) you can't get blessings anymore. The current workaround is to go some where with monsters who have a hard rez before you get 7,500 points and just keep killing until you have enough. What can help is to try to save your quest rewards until you get to that point too.

There has been a post by a game developer saying that an upcoming update will take care of the problem of trying to level up past Castellan, so you will eventually have the opportunity to max out the title. Time frame was uncertain, but sounded like it might be a few weeks (this is not the only thing in the planned update).

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




it was a mistake, i saw a ! above them but that didn't mean anything
sry, i hate that mission which let you go to mainland, but once i did everything on the island, like missions and exploring,and getting sunspear points(and titles) as much as possible, then i go further
my goal with elona chars is getting through the quests until i can go to tyria and cantha, then i try to complete tyria first
thnx for the info and sry about the mistake