The Basics I'd Want:
Name: Griel Riggs
Sex: Male
Profession: Assassin
Age: 32
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Enough of me talking, it's a story you want! And I shall deliver:
The hot Tyrian sun beat down upon a lone figure in the midst of the ruins of Ascalon. If any ordinary traveler were to pass him by and only take a brief look at him, they would merely see an explorer. His light gray vest, dusty brown robes and leggings, and weathered old boots would certainly not give off the look of anyone that important. Neither would the pack he wore. The only thing peculiar about him was the bright maroon cape flowing along his back in the breeze. It seemed strangely out of place for such an everyday-looking man.
If people looked more closely, however, they would see the twin serpent daggers cleverly hidden within his robes. Griel Riggs was not an ordinary man at all, but an assassin. After leaving the Kurzicks and their bitter civil war behind him, Griel had sought out a new life, a new land.
Most importantly, he was looking for a new boss. Any job, little or small, would always get Griel some amount of money. Griel needed the funding, but not for the usual reason; not to satisfy his greed or for mere boasting rights. No. His reasons were…more personal than that.
Griel had grown weary from his travels, but he was almost at his destination. The Sardelac Sanitarium seemed to glare down upon him like a hungry beast, waiting to swallow him whole. The building, the entire countryside, gave of a perpetual feeling of dread. Griel shivered. ‘This…Searing,’ he thought to himself. ‘There has been much unwanted death.’ Getting up from the ground, he strode into the Sanitarium. It was much more crowded than he would have thought. Plenty of people, both sane and likewise, walked within.
“Hello there, young lady!” An elderly man with a grizzly beard strode up to Griel, his walk erratic. He leaned in close, and began to whisper to the assassin. “I’ll give you a tip: don’t eat the rocks! They’re too squishy. Eat the dirt instead.” He took up a large handful of dirt that was crawling with all kinds of disgusting little insects and shoved it into his mouth. “Mmm, that’s good dirt! You want some? It’s free!” He scooped up some more, offering it to the weary traveler. Griel shook his head and quickly backed away. He had heard tales of what the Searing had done to men’s minds, but this…this was worse than he had thought. Griel suddenly realized that the man was back, offering him some more dirt.
“No thank you, sir. I’m quite full from my last-” Griel didn’t finish his sentence, due to the small mouthful of dirt the madman had shoved into his mouth. He spat it out instantly. In the distance, he could make out some guards. Surely they would deal with this troublesome individual. Then he could get back to what he came here for: to find the head of the Sanitarium and offer his…services. ‘After all,’ he thought, ‘they could always use one with my talents to silence any fools that get out of hand.’ He fought back the ever-growing urge to stab the individual as he kept trying to feed him more and more dirt. Before he could get the chance, the guards had noticed the man’s escape, and pinned him to the ground in a flash. As the old man was being dragged away, however, his last few words made Griel’s eyes open with surprise.
“Hey, miss! Or should I say, mister…Griel. If that is your name, I have something much more valuable than dirt to offer you…”
“Quiet, you! Sorry for the inconvenience, sir.” The guard struck the old man with the blunt side of his sword, knocking him out cold. Before Griel could object, he was being taken away to his cell.
(Let's get this party started!

Try not to interfere too much with this plotline right now, though. I have to give the basics of the quest, and I just thought this would be a good place to let people stop and read for now. And no, of course I'm not expecting posts to be this long. I just got carried away in the beginning. Heheh...)