Which Guild Wars do I pick?
Shadow Angel
I have not gotten Guild Wars yet but I think it looks really cool. So i was wondering which one i should get? I know there is three of them, there is regular guild wars, guild wars factions, and guild wars nightfall. And is there just a variety pack where i get all three? Thanks to those who answer my questions.
I dont think there is a multi-pack but I could be wrong. In my opinion, and I own all 3 titles, I would have to say Nightfall. It offers a good story along with nice pace for the new and veteran player. Not to mention you can play as a Dervish

Shadow Angel
oh cool, but do you need to install any other of the guild wars series to install that one? And i hope they have them in stock.
no, each is a stand alone game. just buy whichever you want, install, and have fun.
nightfall probably has the best story of the 3, but i really loved prophecies. no real reason, i just liked it the most.
id vote nightfall or prophecies. factions was fun, but has a steeper learning curve for newcomers.
nightfall probably has the best story of the 3, but i really loved prophecies. no real reason, i just liked it the most.

My vote is for Prophecies. It was the first so there was a natural evolution of the chapters from there. There are also a lot of useful skills from Prophecies that people use.
i suggest to go for Nightfall as that is where everybody is atm.
Nightfall or Prophecies. Prophecies is "regular Guild Wars".
Prophecies if you want to be competitive.
Nightfall if you just want to play around.
Nightfall if you just want to play around.
I would say get Nightfall first... play that if you like it get Prophecies. Reason being you will get heroes... which you can use if you can't make a group in Prophecies.
all 3 are nice nightfall is great to play and story is good. But the between the 3 games are skills that only a play can have if he owns the game. So you might miss out on some powers. If you can buy all 3 of them. I just bought prophecies myself becuase i wanted all the powers/skills.
walmart.com has prophecies for $35 nightfall for 39.99 i believe. check it out to be sure.
walmart.com has prophecies for $35 nightfall for 39.99 i believe. check it out to be sure.