Which Guild Wars do I pick?

Shadow Angel

Shadow Angel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


I have not gotten Guild Wars yet but I think it looks really cool. So i was wondering which one i should get? I know there is three of them, there is regular guild wars, guild wars factions, and guild wars nightfall. And is there just a variety pack where i get all three? Thanks to those who answer my questions.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

I dont think there is a multi-pack but I could be wrong. In my opinion, and I own all 3 titles, I would have to say Nightfall. It offers a good story along with nice pace for the new and veteran player. Not to mention you can play as a Dervish

Shadow Angel

Shadow Angel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006


oh cool, but do you need to install any other of the guild wars series to install that one? And i hope they have them in stock.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


no, each is a stand alone game. just buy whichever you want, install, and have fun.

nightfall probably has the best story of the 3, but i really loved prophecies. no real reason, i just liked it the most. id vote nightfall or prophecies. factions was fun, but has a steeper learning curve for newcomers.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

My vote is for Prophecies. It was the first so there was a natural evolution of the chapters from there. There are also a lot of useful skills from Prophecies that people use.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

i suggest to go for Nightfall as that is where everybody is atm.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Nightfall or Prophecies. Prophecies is "regular Guild Wars".




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



Prophecies if you want to be competitive.

Nightfall if you just want to play around.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I would say get Nightfall first... play that if you like it get Prophecies. Reason being you will get heroes... which you can use if you can't make a group in Prophecies.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


all 3 are nice nightfall is great to play and story is good. But the between the 3 games are skills that only a play can have if he owns the game. So you might miss out on some powers. If you can buy all 3 of them. I just bought prophecies myself becuase i wanted all the powers/skills.

walmart.com has prophecies for $35 nightfall for 39.99 i believe. check it out to be sure.