Are the districts crossed in cities when you use the trade channel?
Are the districts crossed in cities when you use the trade channel?.... For example.... Trade:WTS Yellow Dye..... PST....................... if said in district 1 would everyone else in like district 2 3 and so on see the same shoutout? Please return to this question
Only those in the district with you will see your message.
This holds true for all outposts and towns while using Trade or Local chat channels. Guild, Alliance, and Private channels are not bound by that same rule, and are seen by the appropriate group regardless of their proximity.
This holds true for all outposts and towns while using Trade or Local chat channels. Guild, Alliance, and Private channels are not bound by that same rule, and are seen by the appropriate group regardless of their proximity.
Former Ruling
If the Trade channel was cross-district you'd Lag out when you tryed to enter somewhere like Kamadan (which usually has 2 districts full of "WTS" and a decent amount of spam in all the districts).