A player making and trying new builds will require to have all the skill so she can try as many combinations as possible, but.... with more and more skills appearing with new chapters, we en up with huge lists of skills, and we may be missing one of them without knowing about it.
Currently you have to compare the Baltazhar priest list with you own list to check you current skill list, and t is very hard, slow and annoying the more skills each profession has.
So, my suggestion is to add a way to check OWNED, UNLOCKED and MISSING skills in one single list
I add two possible ways:
- In the Priest of Balthazar and [Skill Trainer] lists put (Owned) instead of (Unlocked) for skills the current character has.
- Add another tab to the Character panel [H] where you'll see a complete list of unlocked, owned, and missing skills.
this could be done better.
Please add any possible way you think about this.
More ideas of mine: