Guildwars questions

Scrag Meister

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Hi all,

Nice forum you have here.

I have a couple of questions.

1. My son who is a runescape fan has asked for Guildwars for Christmas. Being a skin flint, tight ass that I am, was looking on ebay. Is there anything I should know about username, passwords and registration for a pre-owned copy of the game?

2. He also mentioned factions, prophecies and nightfall expansion packs, do these need the original game to be able to play them?

Thanks in advance


The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


1) You're best off buying from a proper shop. GW uses a key-code system to set up game accounts, and eBayed copied may lack said codes or come with used ones

2) Prophecies is the 1st campaign in GW, Factions and Nightfall being the 2nd and 3rd. There's no need to own Prophecies to play the other two, so you can get a more recent campaign first and play that before buying others.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Each chapter is a stand alone game, you do not need the original game (prophecies) to play.

Buy Nightfalls, he plays Nightfall.
Buy Factions(yuck), he plays Factions
Buy Prophecies, he plays Prophecies.

As for the buying used copies of Guild Wars, I believe it's against the end user license agreement. Buyer beware. If they can show proof of the cd key, there's a good chance they can get the account back.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

1. My son who is a runescape fan has asked for Guildwars for Christmas. Being a skin flint, tight ass that I am, was looking on ebay. Is there anything I should know about username, passwords and registration for a pre-owned copy of the game?

Yes, don't!

If you do you have no security at all. Basically the one that sold it to you can opt to take back the account at any time, more or less with Anet/playNC's blessing. Nothing you can do about it. There is no way to transfer an account to another person.

If you're a skin flint, tight ass rahter than shelling out the $50 (or however much they are in local currency on the other side of the pond) for Nightfall. Buy a copy of Prophecies on sale, I'm sure I've seem mentions of it being put down to $15-$20 in places.

2. He also mentioned factions, prophecies and nightfall expansion packs, do these need the original game to be able to play them?

Prophecies is the original game.
But no, each chapter - not expansion - is completely free standing. Each a game in it's own.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Buying a used account is also against the EULA, and the account will be permanently banned if you're caught. No further warning will be given, they'll just shut down the key.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Thanks for coming to the right place and asking these questions, as they are important ones. Hopefully we'll be able to answer these questions you have and if you have more, always feel free to ask.

I think geekling and Pointless made strong points regarding the issue with purchasing a pre-owned copy. They sum it up pretty good. It is recommended to buy it from a place like Best Buy, Circuit City, EB Games, Gamestop, or any place that may sell PC games. You may want to shop around because you can probably find a good deal on Guild Wars: Prophecies or Guild Wars: Factions for less than $50, since they have been out for awhile.

As far as the titles goes.....Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall are stand alone games. To let you know, though I don't believe it says it on the box, when people refer to "Prophecies", they are referring to the original Guild Wars game.
You can buy any one of the 3 games in any order. If you buy another title, you can link one game to the other which would in this case would act sort of like an "expansion". The reason the term "expansion" isn't really used is because each game has its own storyline, characters, skills, etc. When you link two games together, your characters that you create will have access to both games, go through each game's storyline, be able to collect skills for each game, etc. In theory, it kinda gives you more possibilites to enjoy the game.

As far as which title you are thinking about getting him, that decision is yours. Both Prophecies and Nightfall have a similiar feel and are pretty friendly for new people to learn how the game works and plays. They are the games, where you can take your time, "smell the roses", and get a feel for things. Because Nightfall was just released, you will probably find more people playing Nightfall than Prophecies or Factions, but the Guild Wars people-base is fairly large, so you'll always find people in whatever game you choose. Factions is more of faster-paced game and is a lot shorter in content. Many people don't really care for Factions except for a few things such as Alliance Battles. If you plan on getting your son any of the Guild Wars for X-Mas, I know he won't be disappointed because it is 100 x better than Runescape in every possible way. Oh yeah...and the best monthly subscription to play!!! Always great if you are trying to save a little money! I hope this helps and if you have more questions, please feel free to ask.

Scrag Meister

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Thanks all for your responses.

Knightfall from the shop it is then.
