Storage Remedy of Sorts.
Well, I've been playing with this idea for a few weeks. I do like the idea of more storage space, but I think there might be a better way to manage inventories. My idea would be to "link" all the inventories of all (or selected) characters on the same account to be accessable on a single character. Basically, you are on one character, you go to storage, and you can toggle which characters you wish to see the inventory for. This way, you could move things from one character to another quickly without constantly logging in and out that consumes server resources. This could even be expanded into looking at other characters equipment, so you could see what they have equipped and give them new stuff if needed. Also, this would promote people to buy more character slots from the ingame store, as they wouldnt mind having more inventory space now. Anyway, thats my idea. I would really like to see it implemented because I hate constantly logging in and out to move things around or to just see what i have in inventory.
Wow... If that could be done that would be great... pay 50 more gold and gain access to all you characters inventories...
But if they made the Xunlai storage wast first to exchange things between accounts... so ... there may be a strong reason so you can't do this.
But if they made the Xunlai storage wast first to exchange things between accounts... so ... there may be a strong reason so you can't do this.
I would be anet's slave for the next 10 years if they added this.
Tide to Go
ya thats pretty good. I am getting kind of sick switching characters back and forth for stuff
what would happen if you deleted one of the characters???
it solves the going back and forth thing but not storage space. Adding the inventorys together just means that you make characters so you have for space for the mega inv.
what would happen if you deleted one of the characters???
it solves the going back and forth thing but not storage space. Adding the inventorys together just means that you make characters so you have for space for the mega inv.
Though it doesn't give you any more storage as we are craving, it's more of a convenience type of thing. So we can rearrange inventory between characters without having to logoff and back on to each character to move things around.
Though it doesn't give you any more storage as we are craving, it's more of a convenience type of thing. So we can rearrange inventory between characters without having to logoff and back on to each character to move things around.
I do like the idea of being able to purchase more storage slots as well, but in general, this would be an effective way to streamline storage.
Please feel free to add to the discussion about making the current inventory systems better.
Please feel free to add to the discussion about making the current inventory systems better.
Any more suggestions?
I like this idea. It would be cool if, instead of having to cram that necro rune into storage, I could just give it to my necro directly.
Linking all mule characters to be accessed from any characters you want is a great idea. It's not more storge but it would be greatly useful.
But still I'm sure Anet can do things much better than that but somehow doesn't want to.
But still I'm sure Anet can do things much better than that but somehow doesn't want to.
Sergio Leone
I like the idea as well but it would just expand the creation of more mule characters so perhaps people would spend more money on added character slots to make mule characters in substitution of buying more storage since it's not available? Interesting idea all the same.
Hate having to log out and into another char just to pass something to a guildy or to sell etc and then have to come back to the orig char I was on. Pls Anet?
Hate having to log out and into another char just to pass something to a guildy or to sell etc and then have to come back to the orig char I was on. Pls Anet?
Shadow Kurd
/signed Great idea
There's nothing to suggest, really; this is just a very good idea.
I like the idea, but unless you were prompted to put in your password before accessing the other inventories, this would defeat the whole security reason of logging out before switching characters.
I was thinking they could make a psuedo character slot behind the scenes that gets logged into the acct. This char will "pool" together all of the characters inventories account wide and will load with your character. Anyway, I have no clue on how complex the security systems are, but the concept is simple. If anyone can do it, Anet can!
Ive notice a similar effect to the "pseudo character slot". If I have a full inventory, and try to salvage a drop Ive just picked up(last slot now filled), I cant. Even if I have what it salvages into, like a bow salvaged into wood planks, with planks already in inventory, youd think theyd just go into the ones I already have, but no, I get "Your inventory is full". It seems that when you salvage something, a slot is required to be open for the wood planks to be placed temporarily, before transfer to the pile you already have. This is something thats bugged me(haha) for a long time, and Id like to see it changed, so that instead of a slot in the actual inventory, a "virtual slot" is created temporarily(as long as actual slot is now used), so that even with a full inventory, you can salvage something without having to drop something first, salvage, then pick up dropped item, unless one of the MANY people Ive run into grab it. They seem to think the only possible reason something is dropped, is that it isnt wanted.
I had a similar thought to the idea about the other characters inventories.
What I thought of would be have them linked through the Storage Agents, which should make it a little easier, and also you can have it as a storage upgrade where you have to pay so much to access the other inventories.
What I thought of would be have them linked through the Storage Agents, which should make it a little easier, and also you can have it as a storage upgrade where you have to pay so much to access the other inventories.
why not have individual storage for each character but still have access to those from any account...program nightmare but hella cool
why not have individual storage for each character but still have access to those from any account...program nightmare but hella cool
I'm sure Anet could do it and still maintain security. Every day I think about how nice a system this would be. I hope it at least gets concidered!
Wow, I'm surprised more people didn't sign this. So many complain about storage; this would definitely help. I mean, I don't see how this could hurt anyone...actually, if you think about it, adding this feature would be advantageous to everyone:
-People who have created four mule characters wouldn't even have to move their stuff like they would have to were additional storage space added.
-I don't imagine those who "had to do it the hard way" or somesuch would complain about this addition like they would were additional storage space added.
-This would save everyone time switching back and forth between characters, having to log out and log back in and whatnot just to transfer items from one character to another.
-ArenaNet could profit from this, as well. Pack rats might go ahead and choose to buy additional character slots or perhaps a new campaign or other product because of the additional character slots, which equal instant, easy to access extra storage space. I know that few would buy new character slots or campaigns just for storage, but if they were already considering it, this might push them over the edge.
-People who have created four mule characters wouldn't even have to move their stuff like they would have to were additional storage space added.
-I don't imagine those who "had to do it the hard way" or somesuch would complain about this addition like they would were additional storage space added.
-This would save everyone time switching back and forth between characters, having to log out and log back in and whatnot just to transfer items from one character to another.
-ArenaNet could profit from this, as well. Pack rats might go ahead and choose to buy additional character slots or perhaps a new campaign or other product because of the additional character slots, which equal instant, easy to access extra storage space. I know that few would buy new character slots or campaigns just for storage, but if they were already considering it, this might push them over the edge.
Wow, I'm surprised more people didn't sign this. So many complain about storage; this would definitely help. I mean, I don't see how this could hurt anyone...actually, if you think about it, adding this feature would be advantageous to everyone:
-People who have created four mule characters wouldn't even have to move their stuff like they would have to were additional storage space added.
-I don't imagine those who "had to do it the hard way" or somesuch would complain about this addition like they would were additional storage space added.
-This would save everyone time switching back and forth between characters, having to log out and log back in and whatnot just to transfer items from one character to another.
-ArenaNet could profit from this, as well. Pack rats might go ahead and choose to buy additional character slots or perhaps a new campaign or other product because of the additional character slots, which equal instant, easy to access extra storage space. I know that few would buy new character slots or campaigns just for storage, but if they were already considering it, this might push them over the edge.
-People who have created four mule characters wouldn't even have to move their stuff like they would have to were additional storage space added.
-I don't imagine those who "had to do it the hard way" or somesuch would complain about this addition like they would were additional storage space added.
-This would save everyone time switching back and forth between characters, having to log out and log back in and whatnot just to transfer items from one character to another.
-ArenaNet could profit from this, as well. Pack rats might go ahead and choose to buy additional character slots or perhaps a new campaign or other product because of the additional character slots, which equal instant, easy to access extra storage space. I know that few would buy new character slots or campaigns just for storage, but if they were already considering it, this might push them over the edge.
Mad King Corn
Any improvements at all to storage would be a blessing, they really should double the slots and add special storage for dyes, runes, collectables and any stackable items.
Any improvements at all to storage would be a blessing, they really should double the slots and add special storage for dyes, runes, collectables and any stackable items.
/signed great idea