Lightbringer rank 9 four skills HUH?

Lucifer PVP

Lucifer PVP

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Refuge From Exile [RFE]


Lightbringer Rank

After you reach Vabbi, there's another type of rank to earn: you can progress as a Lightbringer. To see your current Lightbringer rank in the Lightbringer Title Track, along with your progress to the next rank, open your Hero menu (press the H key) and click on the Title tab.

The Lightbringer Title Track appears on your character's Hero panel after you fight one of Abaddon's minions for the first time. Just as scouts offer bounties used to advance your Sunspear rank, there are NPCs who can offer "blessings" that advance your Lightbringer rank. In Vabbi, for instance, Whispers Informants offer these blessings.

Each time you kill another one of Abaddon's minions while you have a blessing, you'll earn "lightbringer points" toward the next rank of Lightbringer. The first rank of Lightbringer requires 100 lightbringer points, the second requires 300, and so on. Each blessing refers to a different type of minion, such as demons, elementals, or Margonites.

Like the Sunspear Title Track, there are nine ranks in the Lightbringer Title Track, but the title has an additional mechanic. When you display your Lightbringer title (by selecting it in your character's Hero panel) each rank of Lightbringer gives you +5% damage against demons and +1 damage reduction against demons. Four "No Attribute" skills available in Vabbi also become more powerful as you gain Lightbringer ranks. For anyone fighting wave after wave of minions enslaved by Abaddon, gaining Lightbringer ranks can make crusading against the forces of darkness a little easier.

Currently max on lightbringer rank is 8 50k and i have only been able to find two skills for lightbringer. Is this a typo or what.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


we are all pretty [ugly]

most likely imo



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Those promotion points will be critical later in the game, since some primary quests require you to attain a specific rank before you can begin them. For instance, you must be a Sunspear Captain before you can rally the troops in "The Time Is Nigh," and that rank requires over 500 promotion points. When you're ready to leave the Sunspear Sanctuary in "A Hero Shall Lead Them," you'll need to be a Sunspear General with over 5,000 promotion points. The sooner you start earning those points, the easier you'll find it to advance in the game later.
I don't think the writer of that article has a clue about anything...

Tide to Go

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

I War Torn I [Torn]


Lightbringer 100

Adept Lightbringer 300

Brave Lightbringer 1,000

Mighty Lightbringer 2,500

Vanquishing Lightbringer 7,500

Conquering Commander 15,000

Revered Lightbringer 25,000

Holy Lightbringer
(Max level) 50,000

I think they are going to add more to the title after the big update both sunspear and lightbringer