hi was wondering which one is the obesidan/orrish earth skin cuz on wiki they also mention this one(link below) as the obsedian skin but i also know that a skin, which if u typed in wiki on the search earth staff the pic on the far right the last one is the well know"orrish staff" so i am wondering is this alos a orrish skin or is it the obesidan skin and is it common or rare
here is a link to a sell thread that has the skin i am refering to is item 5..... and credit to untitled 2005 for the pic
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...a rth%20staff
question on orrish/obsedian earth staff skin
The Herbalizer
orrish earth staff = obsidian earth staff
Ulivious The Reaper
this is obsidian earth staff, i think that one you linked us too is a rare nf skin,
Former Ruling
The one on Wiki as Obsidian Earth Staff and Orrish Earth Staff is the real one.
The one in that selling thread you linked to is just a Nightfall skin for the Earth Staff.
Though the Orrish (Obsidian) version of the Earth Staff skin drops in Nightfall too from the Undead - So inscription based versions are not as rare and sought after as the Tyrian ones.
The one in that selling thread you linked to is just a Nightfall skin for the Earth Staff.
Though the Orrish (Obsidian) version of the Earth Staff skin drops in Nightfall too from the Undead - So inscription based versions are not as rare and sought after as the Tyrian ones.
thank you all for ur very quick reply so the one i linked too not the infamous "orrish" skin earth staff but a new rare skin earth staff from nighfall?? am i correct?
It's not terribly rare. It's just the new NF skin.