First Impressions Sought on Guild Website

Old-Time Gamer

Old-Time Gamer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Berkshire, UK

Grauniads of Old Devotion


A while back I asked if people could suggest a good free website for my guild and I got some welcome feedback. However I realised that one way of doing would be to use my favoured networking website, Multiply, where I blog.

I created a group on Multiply and it seems to do everything I wanted.

However one thing remains to be done and hence these questions:

If I publicise the URL of this website as while recruiting in game do you think Joe Average guildwars player will be able to find it?

Can people check the site, just to give some ideas of the first impression that people might have?

In essence do I have to choose a more conventional GuildWars guild website because players will be thrown into a state of confusion by the way that Multiply works for people without an account?

Your help would be appreciated,




Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Never heard of Multiply. We use GuildPortal. Easy to set up and use, and with the alliances you can link web sites, forums, events, etc. Very good for inter alliance communication. GuildPortal is free, but for a minimum fee you can host a site that is ad free.

Old-Time Gamer

Old-Time Gamer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Berkshire, UK

Grauniads of Old Devotion


> Never heard of Multiply

This is to expected, really. Multiply is a networking site and not an immensely well-known one at the that - but is free, I know it well and it works.

It is certainly easier for me to provide content there, for example.

However will it be so alien to GW users (mind you, I'm primarily seeking to recruit the more literate level-headed ones) that I'll have to restart from scratch somewhere else?