Help! Code 103!
[email protected]
I USED to play Guild Wars, but i had a bad pc so i stopped, i have a good pc now and i tried playing, but it says Code 103, that my access code is taken. How do i delete/find my old file pw/account?
[email protected]
SoMeBoDy PlEaSe! its bugging me out!
[email protected]
somebody HAS to know what to do

If you've installed GW on a new PC then you don't have to enter the code again, that code is already linked to your account. Just install GW and login with your email and password as per normal.
That's why you're getting the 103 error.
That's why you're getting the 103 error.
Knightsaber Sith
By the looks of it; he doesn't remember his account nor password.
Try this
Try this