Want to help me name my necro?

Ritualistic Spankin

Ritualistic Spankin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

I have finally decided to make a necromancer after investing all my GW time in my Ranger, Mesmer, Ritualist, and Paragon over the last 16 months. I am however at a loss for a name for the character.

If anyone is interested you can submit your name ideas for it. I want to make a female necromancer, and I definately do not want any names that would be offensive either to a race, gender or ethnicity.

I dwelled on this for a few hours and came up with nothing. So any ideas are welcome, once I have decided on a name I will let everyone know.

Note: There is not a reward for this, just want to see what people come up with.


Ritualistic Spankin

Ritualistic Spankin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

Nvm Mods can close.

Old-Time Gamer

Old-Time Gamer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Berkshire, UK

Grauniads of Old Devotion


Originally Posted by Ritualistic Spankin
I have finally decided to make a necromancer after investing all my GW time in my Ranger, Mesmer, Ritualist, and Paragon over the last 16 months. I am however at a loss for a name for the character.

If anyone is interested you can submit your name ideas for it. I want to make a female necromancer, and I definately do not want any names that would be offensive either to a race, gender or ethnicity.
If this helps I wrote on article on Creating a Respectable Fantasy Name on my Guild's blog. It should at least give you some tips on creating a name that works well within the context of GuildWars.

BTW don't be suprised if it takes a day or two to get an answer on a forum, these places are not instant messaging boards.
