Roll emote?
if u typ /roll nothing happens but if it was wrong it should say unkown command...

Originally Posted by tjunjun
if u typ /roll nothing happens but if it was wrong it should say unkown command...
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/roll is a dice roller, but it needs a dice specified to do anything. /roll 20 for example (rolls a d20)
Oh and it does not work in outposts.
It used to be an emote but I believe it was removed not long after Prophecies was released.
It has not been removed, you just can't use it in towns or outposts.
Use the command like /roll 1-100
We use it in HA now and then when neither of us can kill each other.
Use the command like /roll 1-100
We use it in HA now and then when neither of us can kill each other.
Former Ruling
Azagoth's misinformation isn't that uncommon, The majority of people seem to think it was removed. :\
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Azagoth's misinformation
Yeah, it was removed because of those /roll contests where you paid a person and if you rolled a certain number range specified, you would win # times the amount you paid. It was obviously removed in towns/outposts due to scams and such. Chest runners occasionally use the command; the person rolling the lowest number must open the chest.
Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
Chest runners occasionally use the command; the person rolling the lowest number must open the chest.
The gambling was fine; it was the scammers that weren't. People would pay and the host of the game would just map out or log-off. And if you won, the person wouldn't pay you or would again map out/log-off. And I meant for that sentence to be in the past tense, my mistake.
I remember those gambling days, go to LA and see people spamming all sorts of names for their casions and how your odds of winning are high.
Maybe we should ask for NPC-run casinos, some of the casino's takings used for the "Rebuild Ascalon Fund"? Be another good money sink at least.
nah, not casinos, create an auctions house first!!
The Pointless
Originally Posted by geekling
Oh and it does not work in outposts.