Your thoughts on the inscription system?
DL Lorre
Not yet really explored Elona so no real opinion thou i did c 15^50 going for 3k which bothered me
*Off-Topic* I just spent 2 1/2 hours in FoW, Not only did i never get an obby drop (the monk that jsut sat there got 6 qhile i was nuking my butt off) every single thing that dropped was non-max. Ever happen to you?
*Off-Topic* I just spent 2 1/2 hours in FoW, Not only did i never get an obby drop (the monk that jsut sat there got 6 qhile i was nuking my butt off) every single thing that dropped was non-max. Ever happen to you?
Pudin Tame
I know ANet is not going to do away with inscriptions, but I believe changes need to be made. IMO, the drop rate on them needs to be greatly reduced, i.e. more inscribable item drops without inscriptions on them. Cutting the drop rate significantly would allow them to expand inscriptions to all three campaigns. If 15^50 is as hard to find as it was before then I think everything will be fine. You would still be able to remove one and put in on another inscribably weapon, there just wouldn't be millions of them available.
I like being able to change these mods from weapon to weapon, though the chance of destroying the item is scary. However, I do not like unlocking a non-max version of an inscription and not be able to use the max version of it in PvP. That's a bummer.
You know, Naruto, your childish temper tantrum over a game amazes me. So what if inscriptions are here or not? You can NOT inscribe any weapon that's not from Nightfall. So what if you took the time to farm for FoW armour? It was entirely your choice to waste time on armour that has the same benefits as other armour. Being rich does not make you any more skilled at the game than being poor. Having Fissure armour does not make you any stronger than having Droknar's armour. Guess what? The game is not about items or money. It's about story, gameplay and PVE or PVP. It's about who you can beat and what missions you've learned the tricks to. So you're taking your little temper tantrum out on inscriptions and other people just because YOU decided to waste money? Well I guess some people need a scapegoat... Oh and if you're still not satisfied, I found a purple fiery gladius. Nice skin, every one wants one. I used an inscription to make it 15^50 and gave it a +30hp mod. Every one wanted it and was willing to pay up to 100k for it UNTIL they found out it was purple rather than gold. So yeah. Guess what little group I'm bunching you into?
Zedd Kun
Game is almost ruined for me too... For a long time, the funniest part for me has been to Chest Run to get great rare drops with 15^50, and Farm with my 55 monk. Now both is ruined. If Anet dont fix this, I'm done too.
For all you that seem to think farming uber-rares is the only fun in this this really the game for you?
I have played pretty much I think, (+2600 hours, very little farming though) and I like the inscriptions. For a player like me, that plays a lot but don't make chest runs or extensive farming, it was earlier very hard to get good rare caster items. In all my time I may have gotten one or maybe two rare caster items that was on the same level as a collector item. Of course, none of them was in my prefered proffession (necro), so no drop luck for me.
Inscriptions at least increases the probability to get decent caster item to sane levels. I have always been very happy that collector and green items provide a cheap way to get good items without needing to farm for hours.
I have played pretty much I think, (+2600 hours, very little farming though) and I like the inscriptions. For a player like me, that plays a lot but don't make chest runs or extensive farming, it was earlier very hard to get good rare caster items. In all my time I may have gotten one or maybe two rare caster items that was on the same level as a collector item. Of course, none of them was in my prefered proffession (necro), so no drop luck for me.
Inscriptions at least increases the probability to get decent caster item to sane levels. I have always been very happy that collector and green items provide a cheap way to get good items without needing to farm for hours.
i've been playing since the the day Prophecies came out and I love the inscription system. I can make my own perfect weapons now -- and just the way I like them - skins, mods, everything!
plus, it used to be that blue items were completely worthless -- unless they were highly salvageable, you just merched them ...
now sometimes they have good inscriptions.
plus, it used to be that blue items were completely worthless -- unless they were highly salvageable, you just merched them ...
now sometimes they have good inscriptions.
GW is and will always be focused on the casual player. the inscriptions goes a long way to ensure this is true for a long time to come, and is much needed. the game is not designed to have anything over 100k.
for those who want to leave: WoW expansion is coming out soon. grind to your heart's content there. GW will be a much better place with you gone.
for those who want to leave: WoW expansion is coming out soon. grind to your heart's content there. GW will be a much better place with you gone.
I've been playing for about 6 months now, and finished the first two campaigns with various characters.
So, experienced? not nearly as much as others in this thread. But I've played around in the economy, and here's what I think of inscriptions:
1. I like them in principle for several reasons: To find a junk gold req 13 15^ that's not merchant fodder, it's a chance at good mods for my other weps!
Similarly, a re1 9 with bad mods? Easy to fix that. I just gotta find my mods...on the market or in chests and drops.
2. I do not like the frequency of the top-end inscription drops. I know, I know, it's randomized... but I've henched into vabbi (since I play slow) and have picked up three 15^50s already...and who knows how many more my henchies and heroes have eaten up? Shouldn't, couldn't, a 15^50 be the real treasure that several posters wanted? Hard to get, hard to find?
3. I do like that the scrips are NOT across many chapters. It is exactly that fact that protects the value of factions and prophecies golds. This came up in another thread--the value of "older" golds with 15^50 inherent, not inscribed, will remain relatively high...because that desireable weapon with that modifier is eternals, storm bows, chaos axes, and the like, I think, will stay in the value ladder that the OP (I think) suggests should exist. Those rare items from prophecies and factions will be the items in the middle.
So, experienced? not nearly as much as others in this thread. But I've played around in the economy, and here's what I think of inscriptions:
1. I like them in principle for several reasons: To find a junk gold req 13 15^ that's not merchant fodder, it's a chance at good mods for my other weps!
Similarly, a re1 9 with bad mods? Easy to fix that. I just gotta find my mods...on the market or in chests and drops.
2. I do not like the frequency of the top-end inscription drops. I know, I know, it's randomized... but I've henched into vabbi (since I play slow) and have picked up three 15^50s already...and who knows how many more my henchies and heroes have eaten up? Shouldn't, couldn't, a 15^50 be the real treasure that several posters wanted? Hard to get, hard to find?
3. I do like that the scrips are NOT across many chapters. It is exactly that fact that protects the value of factions and prophecies golds. This came up in another thread--the value of "older" golds with 15^50 inherent, not inscribed, will remain relatively high...because that desireable weapon with that modifier is eternals, storm bows, chaos axes, and the like, I think, will stay in the value ladder that the OP (I think) suggests should exist. Those rare items from prophecies and factions will be the items in the middle.
Originally Posted by Pudin Tame
Judging by your join date, you are new, so of course you like the inscription system. We have beaten the PvE portion of the game already and don't enjoy PvP. I don't farm for money. I farm for the thrill of getting that rare item. There's no such thing as a rare item anymore.
A rare item is one that actually improves your performance in game, like a staff with +20 energy, enchantment lasts 50% longer. Now that's rare.
After a couple thousands of item in the game now I just scoff when I see the word "rare" appears before a drop, which in some cases are not even max damage. Rare indeed. Hah!
Originally Posted by Darkobra
Guess what little group I'm bunching you into?
I find these people amusing, like the other guy who replied he farms items to "show off".
Listen people. Anet is selling a story book that is in the form of a game. You follow the story and play the missions in the order *they* specified, and at the end you get a reward. That's it. No more "role playing" or "occupational" tasks like "running" or "farming". Don't like it?
Go play WoW.
i like them, i just wish they stacked
You should use 16 in Scythe so req shouldn't be an issue..if you use less then 16 you are a less then effective Dervish. |
Question: are there any inscribable greens? |
There is no such thing as a rare item in Guild Wars. A rare item is one that actually improves your performance in game, like a staff with +20 energy, enchantment lasts 50% longer. Now that's rare. |
...A rare item is simply one that doesn't drop very often.

Personally I don't like the inscription system. Trading with Elonan items is dull.
But on the other hand now that most popular farming methods are dead and casual gamers might not be able to get money so easily and fast, it's friendly to have cheap items as well.
But on the other hand now that most popular farming methods are dead and casual gamers might not be able to get money so easily and fast, it's friendly to have cheap items as well.
Originally Posted by Pudin Tame
I know ANet is not going to do away with inscriptions, but I believe changes need to be made. IMO, the drop rate on them needs to be greatly reduced, i.e. more inscribable item drops without inscriptions on them. Cutting the drop rate significantly would allow them to expand inscriptions to all three campaigns. If 15^50 is as hard to find as it was before then I think everything will be fine. You would still be able to remove one and put in on another inscribably weapon, there just wouldn't be millions of them available.
Rurik Jangeer
Originally Posted by Pudin Tame
Judging by your join date, you are new, so of course you like the inscription system. We have beaten the PvE portion of the game already and don't enjoy PvP. I don't farm for money. I farm for the thrill of getting that rare item. There's no such thing as a rare item anymore.
Back on topic. I personally enjoy the inscription system. I believe it allows everyone, not just one side of the economy, to have easier access to that item they've always wanted. I also agree with the fact that it is Elonian only. I believe that this also helps with keeping the prices of the first two chapters intact. I wouldn't mind seeing this continue over into the new games as they are released as well.
From a sales standpoint Inscriptions are a great implementation to make things more newbie friendly and make the game boring over time, heres why:
-us old farts will still buy new chapters regarless cause we do for some strange reasons.
-Anet makes things easier for newer players eg inscriptions, who then tell their friends how great the game is and how newbie friendly it is getting their friends to buy and play together.
-Over time, everyone gets bored and either put the game down and reduce server load or PvP and waits for the next chapter (thats what Jeff believes) since Anet dont earn a single cent after we paid for the game.
-over time newbies that dont leave become old farts themselves and the cycle continues.
So the real question should be: What is Anet gonna do next that will change the game to appeal to new players that will likely be unpopular with the current player base?
Then you will have to ask yourself: Will i be part of this?
Well i am still playing so theres my answer for myself.
-us old farts will still buy new chapters regarless cause we do for some strange reasons.
-Anet makes things easier for newer players eg inscriptions, who then tell their friends how great the game is and how newbie friendly it is getting their friends to buy and play together.
-Over time, everyone gets bored and either put the game down and reduce server load or PvP and waits for the next chapter (thats what Jeff believes) since Anet dont earn a single cent after we paid for the game.
-over time newbies that dont leave become old farts themselves and the cycle continues.
So the real question should be: What is Anet gonna do next that will change the game to appeal to new players that will likely be unpopular with the current player base?
Then you will have to ask yourself: Will i be part of this?
Well i am still playing so theres my answer for myself.
I personally like this new system. I wasn't so sure about it at first, but then I found out about a few key things.
1) There are still collectors and crafters that will make max damage weapons with an innate mod rather than an open Inscription Slot. This is really needed for new players that want/need a specific mod but can't pay the astronomical prices that a lot of traders ask.
2) Now if I find a weapon with a max Inscription, I don't have to worry if the weapon itself is max damage. I can at least salvage off the mod and get some money that way, or put that mod on a much nicer weapon (that has an inscription slot).
3) With a lucky drop and some careful planing, you could get a very nice inscription and keep it through the whole game. Imagine never having to worry about not being able to find the right weapon mod because you just transfer your old one over.
I like Insignias for a similar reason. When Nightfall went live, I had to seriously alter my main character's build. Because of this, his armor (or more specifically, the innate on his armor) became useless to me and I had to get a more useful armor. It's 15k Canthan armor, and it took me quite a while to be able to afford even that. I couldn't just go back and craft a whole NEW set, that'd be way to expensive. But, if my armor had Insignia slots instead, I could have just bought the proper ones and BAM new armor. This is MUCH better than the old system. Now if only I could find some male Ranger armor that I like, I'd be all over this insignia stuff
1) There are still collectors and crafters that will make max damage weapons with an innate mod rather than an open Inscription Slot. This is really needed for new players that want/need a specific mod but can't pay the astronomical prices that a lot of traders ask.
2) Now if I find a weapon with a max Inscription, I don't have to worry if the weapon itself is max damage. I can at least salvage off the mod and get some money that way, or put that mod on a much nicer weapon (that has an inscription slot).
3) With a lucky drop and some careful planing, you could get a very nice inscription and keep it through the whole game. Imagine never having to worry about not being able to find the right weapon mod because you just transfer your old one over.
I like Insignias for a similar reason. When Nightfall went live, I had to seriously alter my main character's build. Because of this, his armor (or more specifically, the innate on his armor) became useless to me and I had to get a more useful armor. It's 15k Canthan armor, and it took me quite a while to be able to afford even that. I couldn't just go back and craft a whole NEW set, that'd be way to expensive. But, if my armor had Insignia slots instead, I could have just bought the proper ones and BAM new armor. This is MUCH better than the old system. Now if only I could find some male Ranger armor that I like, I'd be all over this insignia stuff

Gun Pierson
I always wanted to have a perfect purple weapon and I think I can make one now. Other than that I didn't give inscriptions much thought yet so I'll further stay out of the discussion at this point.
The Silver Star
I like the incription system on Elonian weapons and think its a good idea but incriptions should never apply to Tyria/Cantha weapons mainly due to GW losing more long time players.
"Your thoughts on the inscription system?"
For starters it is cheaper to get a max weapon with 15^50 in Cantha or Tyria than in Elona. It is even cheaper to exchange for one with a collector in Tyria or Cantha. So unless the drop rate of the 15^50 inscriptions increases vastly, it just made a lot of things more expensive.
The same is true for armor. You still have to purchase and apply the Insginia's and unless these start dropping in huge quantities, they will cost a pretty penny and make armor ultimately more expensive in Elona than if you had armor made in Tyria or Cantha.
While the logic at introducing inscriptions is to make things ultimately easier and cheaper to craft, if the inscriptions and insignias remain as lootable drops, then the price of these items will fluctuate wildy based on the simple laws of supply and demand. however, if they introduce NPC's that sell these items for a fixed cost, or alternatively, increase the drop rate several fold to flood the market, then the whole idea was made pointless by their anti-farming nerf (im talking about the poor drops from high level monsters and the purple items in chests, not the ai behaviour).
For starters it is cheaper to get a max weapon with 15^50 in Cantha or Tyria than in Elona. It is even cheaper to exchange for one with a collector in Tyria or Cantha. So unless the drop rate of the 15^50 inscriptions increases vastly, it just made a lot of things more expensive.
The same is true for armor. You still have to purchase and apply the Insginia's and unless these start dropping in huge quantities, they will cost a pretty penny and make armor ultimately more expensive in Elona than if you had armor made in Tyria or Cantha.
While the logic at introducing inscriptions is to make things ultimately easier and cheaper to craft, if the inscriptions and insignias remain as lootable drops, then the price of these items will fluctuate wildy based on the simple laws of supply and demand. however, if they introduce NPC's that sell these items for a fixed cost, or alternatively, increase the drop rate several fold to flood the market, then the whole idea was made pointless by their anti-farming nerf (im talking about the poor drops from high level monsters and the purple items in chests, not the ai behaviour).
Hell Marauder
Wish they can buff those unpopular inscriptions like 20% while hexed, or double adrenaline 10%, at least into 30% while hexed (or vs hexed) or double adrenaline 30% chance, and I don't think it would hurt balance a bit. Right now, no one in his right mind would want those. Anet, are you listening??

Originally Posted by Hell Marauder
Wish they can buff those unpopular inscriptions like 20% while hexed, or double adrenaline 10%, at least into 30% while hexed (or vs hexed) or double adrenaline 30% chance, and I don't think it would hurt balance a bit. Right now, no one in his right mind would want those. Anet, are you listening??
![]() |
Your thoughts on the inscription system? |
My second thought is about "hunting and receiving the perfect item", I'm playing since gw came out and still could not find a 1 handed unique skin curse weapon with 20/20 (yes I have to use the collector weapon one). My third thought is the inscriptions are great and if you against it I have no idea wth is wrong with you. In addition you (especially me) can still solofarm anything you/I want.
I love the inscription system, and I wish they'd expand it to all chapters. The functionality is great and so is the saved storage space - you don't have to hold onto weapons with odd mods for rarely-used builds. (Ok, well I do, but that's because I can't bear to throw anything away.)
I've been playing about a year, all three chapters, main character has over 2 mil xp. I'm not elite, I'm not pro, I just like to explore. I don't go out hunting specifically for uber-rare-elite stuff, but I open every chest I can just to see what's inside. I try to keep aware of the rare and in-demand skins in case I find something worth a lot of money (enough worth the trouble to try to sell for money to buy more keys.)
As for ruining the economy, I disagree. The high end stuff is driven by the skins and colors at least as much as the mods if not more. If it really were more about the mods, then people would buy collector items for a lot more. (When's the last time you saw someone offer 10k for a mountain troll tusk or a putrid cyst?) More proof, the difference in price between a long sword and a crystalline sword with the exact same stats.
The inscription system may bring more people into the rare skin weapon trading game. A rare skin weapon that can be reconfigured might help those on the fence to justify the cost.
I still get a kick out of killing beasties or opening chests and finding max gold stuff. I still get an even better kick when it's some skin I've never seen or rarely seen before. The best kick is when it's a skin I like and something I can actually use on one of my characters to replace their collector item's functionality. If I find a rare-skin item that I like and can use, no matter the market price, I'll use it rather than sell it.
Cheers, Luny
I've been playing about a year, all three chapters, main character has over 2 mil xp. I'm not elite, I'm not pro, I just like to explore. I don't go out hunting specifically for uber-rare-elite stuff, but I open every chest I can just to see what's inside. I try to keep aware of the rare and in-demand skins in case I find something worth a lot of money (enough worth the trouble to try to sell for money to buy more keys.)
As for ruining the economy, I disagree. The high end stuff is driven by the skins and colors at least as much as the mods if not more. If it really were more about the mods, then people would buy collector items for a lot more. (When's the last time you saw someone offer 10k for a mountain troll tusk or a putrid cyst?) More proof, the difference in price between a long sword and a crystalline sword with the exact same stats.
The inscription system may bring more people into the rare skin weapon trading game. A rare skin weapon that can be reconfigured might help those on the fence to justify the cost.
I still get a kick out of killing beasties or opening chests and finding max gold stuff. I still get an even better kick when it's some skin I've never seen or rarely seen before. The best kick is when it's a skin I like and something I can actually use on one of my characters to replace their collector item's functionality. If I find a rare-skin item that I like and can use, no matter the market price, I'll use it rather than sell it.
Cheers, Luny
Ailyrr Merlena
Originally Posted by LicensedLuny
I still get a kick out of killing beasties or opening chests and finding max gold stuff.
Not only do you need inscriptions for your own Elonian armor, but you need it for your heros too. Mine basically wander the world without any, because I can't afford to buy them for every character's heros, and I'm not getting any as drops. Even blue drops are scarce.
Thankfully, my ele has a lvl 2 seeker of knowledge title thingy. I just let her salvage everything now.
The inscription system is marvelous.
Finally I can hunt for the weapon I want and make it my own.
No longer are people in the groups I make or join complaining about how their 15^50 war axe isn't as good as the other person's 15^50 chaos axe. Phew!
Remember, not everyone wants a Fellblade or a Chaos Axe, and since the 100K+xEcto sellers, you know the ones, never ever offered the weapons I wanted, I went out and got them myself. Having the inscriptions makes this process one migraine, and many hours, shorter, for me, as a casual player.
Guild Wars was never about farming and selling to the highest bidder.
It never was, and those complaining about how this has ruined the 'economy', knows it even more.
*Begins using the reference of "you" for general, not personal, purposes only*
And as far as how much time you spend farming, chest running, etc. this is entirely your choice. ANet never dictated how much time you should spend doing any activity in Guild Wars. You paid for the game once, and that's all. Therefor your time spent doing anything ingame is just as valuable as mine, since we're not paying by the month, and should people grow tired of hearing how much better your 15^50 chaos axe is over my 15^50 morningstar axe, then it's probably better your kind find a new hobby within Guild Wars.
Finally I can hunt for the weapon I want and make it my own.
No longer are people in the groups I make or join complaining about how their 15^50 war axe isn't as good as the other person's 15^50 chaos axe. Phew!
Remember, not everyone wants a Fellblade or a Chaos Axe, and since the 100K+xEcto sellers, you know the ones, never ever offered the weapons I wanted, I went out and got them myself. Having the inscriptions makes this process one migraine, and many hours, shorter, for me, as a casual player.
Guild Wars was never about farming and selling to the highest bidder.
It never was, and those complaining about how this has ruined the 'economy', knows it even more.
*Begins using the reference of "you" for general, not personal, purposes only*
And as far as how much time you spend farming, chest running, etc. this is entirely your choice. ANet never dictated how much time you should spend doing any activity in Guild Wars. You paid for the game once, and that's all. Therefor your time spent doing anything ingame is just as valuable as mine, since we're not paying by the month, and should people grow tired of hearing how much better your 15^50 chaos axe is over my 15^50 morningstar axe, then it's probably better your kind find a new hobby within Guild Wars.
I love the inscriptions system... all I care about is
1. does it look cool
2. are the mods good
which is why i havent spent all my money and time getting FOW armour on my warrior...looks stupid imho.
now... i can totally customize how my player looks without having to spend months of game earned money.
1. does it look cool
2. are the mods good
which is why i havent spent all my money and time getting FOW armour on my warrior...looks stupid imho.
now... i can totally customize how my player looks without having to spend months of game earned money.
chicks boy
I hate the incription system, you cant put inscriptions on canthan and tyria weapons!!!
I like them. My only complaint would be they don't work with chapter 1 & 2 weapons.
Originally Posted by Ailyrr Merlena
Me too....problem is, mostly all I get in NF is white items. My paragon, who is at the end of the game, has identified THREE, that's THREE rare items. And yes, I open chests etc. Now, I know others have gotten excellent drops, but I don't get diddly squat. And outfitting my heros is killing me.
Not only do you need inscriptions for your own Elonian armor, but you need it for your heros too. Mine basically wander the world without any, because I can't afford to buy them for every character's heros, and I'm not getting any as drops. Even blue drops are scarce. Thankfully, my ele has a lvl 2 seeker of knowledge title thingy. I just let her salvage everything now. |
If rares are too common players with small peens will whinge about how their coverted rares are "too common". If they are too rare people like you will go whining and stomping around.
Make up your own damned mind. By the way 3 per character per campaign? Seems to fit my definition of rare.
Originally Posted by generik
I find these people amusing, like the other guy who replied he farms items to "show off".
I do agree that the price of some weapon upgrades, like perfect fortitude mods, are way too high. That does create a situation where casual players simply cannot afford to upgrade weapons(leaving them at a disadvantage), and it needs to be fixed. Making a perfect modded collector/crafter weapon should be easy and affordable. The new salvage system is a step towards that because you no longer get ingots instead of that perfect +30hp pommel, so perfect mods should be more common and less expensive. But making perfect golds (drops that the game used to label as "rare") easy to build with inscriptions is not necessary because of easy to get collector/crafter weapons.
I'm not the only in this thread that said after beating the game on several characters, trying to get perfect rare items is part of the fun. Making these items common takes away the more dedicated players' desire to have them, giving us less reason to want to keep playing. Sure, easily getting cool stuff makes the game more tempting for casual players, but are casual players the ones buying every additional chapter, multiple accounts, extra character slots, or collector's edition games? The players Anet is trying to run out of their game are the ones that are likely to spend several times more money on it.
Honestly, I like the inscription system. The only thing I don't like is the continued purple < gold elitism, when you can save a LOT by modding that req9 purple.
I don't think it was really needed if others would seel thier perfect golds for reasonable price after all it isn't real.There is the Guru Aution if you looked there and that other online site.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Age
I don't think it was really needed if others would seel thier perfect golds for reasonable price after all it isn't real.There is the Guru Aution if you looked there and that other online site.
You can't buy every type of item out there, but the inscription system makes it possible to build your own now. Especially with shields, focii and wands.
Actually since I started guildwars prophecies way back in june 2005, the inscriptions / insignia are one off the best thing too have hit us (sadly it doesn't include the prophecies / factions armors / weapons). Also I think all weapons should be possible to have an inscription.
Just think about the possibilities: you know have an armor / weapon that you can customize every single time you want to without having to buy a complete new armor or weapon. To customized your weapons is alot more worth it now too.
It can also help you save storage room now!
Kudos to for this (minor hint: do it for all chapters please)
ps.: I don't like any off the female elementalist armors in nightfall, but had to buy one just for the insignia possibilities it now possesses.
Just think about the possibilities: you know have an armor / weapon that you can customize every single time you want to without having to buy a complete new armor or weapon. To customized your weapons is alot more worth it now too.
It can also help you save storage room now!
Kudos to for this (minor hint: do it for all chapters please)
ps.: I don't like any off the female elementalist armors in nightfall, but had to buy one just for the insignia possibilities it now possesses.
There is nothing wrong with the system....
Its a bit sour for the powertraders, but the masses of GW will benefit from this system.
Its a bit sour for the powertraders, but the masses of GW will benefit from this system.
Jodie O
I like the inscription system, there are so many to remember. Example "Master of my domain", thats for a +1 to a shield attribute, "Luck of the draw", thats a -5 xx% chance.
Thats just two you have to remember when your looking for a mod, gah blow me its too much to remember.
Other than, Spiffo
Thats just two you have to remember when your looking for a mod, gah blow me its too much to remember.
Other than, Spiffo

Great for modders bad for farmers. So yeah I can't sell things for as much as I used to but then again, in all honesty, if you haven't made your fortune by now you aren't going to. The real wealth in the game is held by players who made their bit before the nerfs. Still I'm enjoying being able to slap inscriptions around on things. I made a great scythe out of a crappy one I bought for like 5 K. Ancient scythe, I modded it to 15^50 and added a zealous and a fortitude mod and now I've got a great scythe. I'm waiting to see how my other toons end up getting equipped, I really like the elemental sword for my warrior.
Cymboric Treewalker
I would say the new inscription system is fantastic. I would like to see if expanded.
I think the chance of getting a perfect mod is still as rare, but now you can put that mod on a skin you like instead of being stuck with a bad skin. Sure that may lower value a little, but I doubt it will actually kill the value totally.
The game is more about friends and making unique builds for specific areas for me though so I may not be as sensitive as a person who rates farming high on their fun scale.
I think the chance of getting a perfect mod is still as rare, but now you can put that mod on a skin you like instead of being stuck with a bad skin. Sure that may lower value a little, but I doubt it will actually kill the value totally.
The game is more about friends and making unique builds for specific areas for me though so I may not be as sensitive as a person who rates farming high on their fun scale.