


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006


I'm currently in a guild called Twilight Of The Moon [ToM]. And along with that I'm basically the alliance leader. Are activity is good, we have fun, and everyones friends with everyone. There's a few problems, like noone wanting to PvP for some reason, and then they complain to me about how long it's taking. And the main problem for our guild (I skipped a few that weren't very important) noone will get on our forums. We have several people (Maybe 8) that are active on them, and 12 people who joined. We have about 35 people. Most of the names that I've seen on the forum are remakes, as in mine from 'Ripskin' to 'Rippi'. But, most of the people who are on the forum wont go back and look at important posts unless we threaten there position in the guild.

So far, we've put all the skill caps (help from and ) just so we can tell them to look on the forums for caps. This is great for the people who helped type them all up and manage them, but still noone will look.

I just recently put a message asking what will get more members onto our forum. Noone responded for 3 days, then someone put, "*naked pictures of myself* xD"

Help... what can I do to get more people on there.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Nashville TN



not sure i've had the same problem with my guild. i've done a lot of work making sure there was useful information their but still noone ever visits it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

South Australia



Yes same problem here, we have all our PvP/GvG team builds listed and nobody is willing to take a look. Shame really, its a really nice forum at that.

I did tell everyone as they were recruited to check in at the forum, but little do

Fury Incarnate

Fury Incarnate

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Connecticut, USA


Indeed - In many of the guilds I've been in with forums, this has been a major problem. One thing I found to help is to constantly reinforce the message that the forums are a primary means of communication. If someone asks, "What build are we running for GvG tonight?", respond by saying, "Tonight we're running "whatever". It's on the site in the "Whatever" topic." Keep a guild calendar with upcoming GvG nights, guild events, Alliance Battle days, whatever you do as a guild/alliance, and let people know that the information is there. Let people know that as members of the guild/alliance, they're expected to at least keep an eye on the forums, even if they don't post. In my experience, if people are reading the forums, they'll want to post in them.

Obviously, it's not as easy as that, but it tends to be a exponential system - the more people you have posting on the forums, the more new people are going to want to check them out.

Effendi Westland

Effendi Westland

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Isle of the dead



Refer to the forum in Guild messages. Like: Thursday PvP night, more info on the forum. If you do it often enough the forums will be percieved as an important part of the Guild community.

The way I got my guild to massively registrer on the forum was by organising a design your cape contest on it, announcing it in the guild message. Really worked, went from 4 registred people to 14 (of 20). And if you want activity on it you need to keep referring to it in the guild message.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Our forum was slow at first, but I kept posting information on the guild announcement about stuff out there. I also added a couple of sections that got people interested. We added an Everything Else topic with a boredom post in there so people can access it from work or school and just post ramblings and others of us who are bored respond. We also added an Need Help section for people to post about specific stuff they need help with in game. The lastest thing we've added is a Pat on the Back post where guild members can thank or complement others on something they did in the game to help each other out. The Pat on the Back post has had some hits and posts on it and helps set a nice tone for the guild.

I had added a Shoutbox for awhile but it was getting glitchy so I took it off again.

Another thing that helps is to have good organization to your forum and it makes it easier for people to want to look stuff up there or go at all. You can try mentioning the forum at least once a day in the guild chat too and let people know what info is out there. I also asked guild members to post all of their Ign's out there so we are easier to recognize and get to know each other.

You are welcome to check out our forum for ideas and organization.
Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]

It really does take awhile to warm people up to the forum and there are some members you will just have to give up on bc they are never going to go there, no matter what you try. I do know some guild members that require every member to read their rules on the forum and post all of their IGN's or they get kicked, but I don't push that hard in my guild.