After multiple searches I found nothing even slightly related to my idea so I thought I'd throw it out there just in case it hasn't been suggested before. I do apologize if it has, but I was unsuccessful at finding anything. Please close if I'm just repeating the unnecessary.
I was going through looking at different threads and I noticed the Last Post By: So and So feature. I was thinking oh I know this person I'll read this, they have insightful ideas and responses. Then I found it was some random post about nothing and the creator was not even on topic to the section they posted in. I was just wondering if there would be a way to add a Thread Created by: So and So feature on each thread on the main page? If the idea has been suggested and proven either incapable or useless I'd like to know. I think it would be a good addition if possible, but it's just an idea I thought I'd throw out there.
Responses appreciated and welcome!
Thread Creator
Sergio Leone