View All Characters' Inventories Through Storage Agent


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

If you've gone here because you like/hate the idea in the title, then please click the below link and sign.
Sorry if you feel this thread is pointless, but I felt that the original post's title was a little vague and unattractive, and I do rather like the idea.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Come on people!
I'm surprised more people didn't sign the other post. So many complain about storage; this would definitely help. I mean, I don't see how this could hurt anyone...actually, if you think about it, adding this feature would be advantageous to everyone:
-People who have created four mule characters wouldn't even have to move their stuff like they would have to were additional storage space added.
-I don't imagine those who "had to do it the hard way" or somesuch would complain about this addition like they would were additional storage space added.
-This would save everyone time switching back and forth between characters, having to log out and log back in and whatnot just to transfer items from one character to another.
-ArenaNet could profit from this, as well. Pack rats might go ahead and choose to buy additional character slots or perhaps a new campaign or other product because of the additional character slots, which equal instant, easy to access extra storage space. I know that few would buy new character slots or campaigns just for storage, but if they were already considering it, this might push them over the edge.