To delete, or not to delete?
Spirit Of Azrael
Well, I have a male warrior. He looks cool in his Primevil, but really... just doesn't look that good. I always kept from deleting him because he has a Sephis customized for him, but now I got a gold insribable Sephis, I'm thinking I might delete him and make a female, as i hate his name and the new Nightfall Female armor is amazing.
Currently he has:
15k Kurz
15k Primevil dyed Black
Customized 14^50 r8 Sephis
Pumpkin Crown
Dragon Mask
a LOT of skills
However, female warriors get much better armor, and don't look so... fat.
Here's the question, to delete, or not to delete?
Currently he has:
15k Kurz
15k Primevil dyed Black
Customized 14^50 r8 Sephis
Pumpkin Crown
Dragon Mask
a LOT of skills
However, female warriors get much better armor, and don't look so... fat.
Here's the question, to delete, or not to delete?
The event headpiecs make it worth it to keep him. Even if they are worth nothing and cannot be sold they are still one time only items. Would be a shame to delete him.
Are you really willing to delete a character who you invested lots of time in, and who has lots of skills, customized sephis, non-regenerable items (such as pumpkin) and full 15k, and to start a new char all over just cuz he LOOKS better?
What if in the next GW there'll be male armor you really like?
FFS, Just go and get your guy Fow armor. Male fow owns.
Or at least buy another char slot for $10 and start a new one, if you REALLY have to.
Are you really willing to delete a character who you invested lots of time in, and who has lots of skills, customized sephis, non-regenerable items (such as pumpkin) and full 15k, and to start a new char all over just cuz he LOOKS better?
What if in the next GW there'll be male armor you really like?
FFS, Just go and get your guy Fow armor. Male fow owns.
Or at least buy another char slot for $10 and start a new one, if you REALLY have to.
Spirit Of Azrael
Originally Posted by Elvarg
Are you really willing to delete a character who you invested lots of time in, and who has lots of skills, customized sephis, non-regenerable items (such as pumpkin) and full 15k, and to start a new char all over just cuz he LOOKS better? What if in the next GW there'll be male armor you really like? FFS, Just go and get your guy Fow armor. Male fow owns. Or at least buy another char slot for $10 and start a new one, if you REALLY have to. |

Maybe I'll just keep him as a mule and delete one of the chars who has less valuabe stuff... but having 2 Warriors seems to be a waste.
Lord Sojar
New Character Slot > Deleting established toons.
I deleted my first character AMD ZEN long long ago. he was an ele with 15k hydromancers and 15k pyromancers, which i worked VERY hard for at that time (before i joined LBS).
Don't delete your toons you have that much time in...
I deleted my first character AMD ZEN long long ago. he was an ele with 15k hydromancers and 15k pyromancers, which i worked VERY hard for at that time (before i joined LBS).
Don't delete your toons you have that much time in...

Spirit Of Azrael
I guess my Monk is off to the trashbin then...
i usually have a cap on toons i delete. if a toon has more then 3 sets of 15k armor, i just cant get myself to delete. anything less then 3 sets of 15k armor, i usually delete if im very unhappy with appearance. special event items [ie. pumpkim helms, etc] have no baring on my decision because i usually have a ton of them spread across my 12 toons.
Batou of Nine
Why delete?
If you have already invested so much time into him, yet you want a female warrior, just purchase another character slot! Don't delete anyone!! AHHH!!
If you have already invested so much time into him, yet you want a female warrior, just purchase another character slot! Don't delete anyone!! AHHH!!
Kais Unduli
^ Agree with Batou.
Just pick up another character slot and start a new female warrior. You should have at least one character slot open, right? If not, then pick up another one for $10 USD. Why delete something you've spent so long cultivating? Seems like a big waste to me.
Just pick up another character slot and start a new female warrior. You should have at least one character slot open, right? If not, then pick up another one for $10 USD. Why delete something you've spent so long cultivating? Seems like a big waste to me.
Thorondor Port
pvp char > pve char
use him as a mule - and to get the birthday presents.
Originally Posted by Thorondor Port
pvp char > pve char
I'd say don't delete...that's just me though.
Dont Delete Are You Crazy
or make female b4 deleting get all hat suffagain and then delete
or make female b4 deleting get all hat suffagain and then delete
Just buy another slot, its cheap. Who knows if you delete your wamo you will probably regret it :L
I've got the same dilemma... really what was I thinking when I created him back then...
anyway thanks to the character slots I now have a 15k armored storage with protector title
anyway thanks to the character slots I now have a 15k armored storage with protector title

Maria The Princess
i deleted my old beloved male monk with 3 15k armors and all the elites (that before factions release) and soooooo regreted it! of curse i made a ele i adore insted, but i end up making anouther monk thats a female
dont delete! wait........
dont delete! wait........
DL Lorre
It seems you put a lot of effort into the char., itf it were me i wouldnt delete Grotto 15k armor makes me laugh on males (Deer Helm FTW)
Juicey Shake
if it where me I'd delete it.
I deleted a ranger with 3 15k outfits and a mesmer with 3 15k outfits both with all the special head pieces at the time of deletion.
I'm glad I did, I only maintain 2 pve chars now, mmmm mm =).
I deleted a ranger with 3 15k outfits and a mesmer with 3 15k outfits both with all the special head pieces at the time of deletion.
I'm glad I did, I only maintain 2 pve chars now, mmmm mm =).
Originally Posted by Spirit Of Azrael
Well, I have a male warrior. He looks cool in his Primevil, but really... just doesn't look that good. I always kept from deleting him because he has a Sephis customized for him, but now I got a gold insribable Sephis, I'm thinking I might delete him and make a female, as i hate his name and the new Nightfall Female armor is amazing.
Currently he has: 15k Kurz 15k Primevil dyed Black Customized 14^50 r8 Sephis Pumpkin Crown Dragon Mask a LOT of skills However, female warriors get much better armor, and don't look so... fat. Here's the question, to delete, or not to delete? |
One word: Factions.
I rest my case. Who is to say you won't get a cool male warrior armor in the next chapter? You can always rename your toon by emailing support.
Spirit Of Azrael
Originally Posted by generik
You have to replay through Factions to cap those elite skills.
One word: Factions. I rest my case. Who is to say you won't get a cool male warrior armor in the next chapter? You can always rename your toon by emailing support. |
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Just buy another slot, its cheap. Who knows if you delete your wamo you will probably regret it :L

Originally Posted by Spirit Of Azrael
I can? That's pretty cool...
I say don't delete. I have deleted a total of 3 characters in my time, and I now regret every single one of those deletes. Especially my original Monk, she should have a friggen mini pet by now :<
But I do agree, I need to not hate looking at my characters. I think that's why my Ele is gathering so much dust lately (but alas, the armor that I like for her is the 10k Ancient set at the end of NF! Woe is me).
But I do agree, I need to not hate looking at my characters. I think that's why my Ele is gathering so much dust lately (but alas, the armor that I like for her is the 10k Ancient set at the end of NF! Woe is me).
Mr Jazzy
don't do it. just buy a new character slot or something, but don't delete something you invested alot of time into.
I just deleted a character named "Gotta git me brotha" ("sucka" is not allowed by Anet),because the name got old after three minutes. I made him again as "Mister Dumah"

This is the worst thing about me.
I always create the wrong sex chars:
I create Male Warrior, get him 15k Glads and decide I dont like it :| So I create a female warrior and get her 15k Glads;
I create a male ranger, Dont like 15k druids - Delete him (At Level 20 and my first ever char) And make a female ranger and get her 15k Druids
I create a male Mesmer - Dont like the way he runs, so I'm pondering weather to delete myself o_O
So, this is the wrong forum for this, but oh well, - I really want to be able to change sex' in Guild Wars
And I cant buy a character slot as I dont have a credit card >.<
Back on-topic now:
If I was in your shoes, I personally would'nt delete it - I cant bare to delete any of my toons with 15k armours. And judging by the amount of things you have on it, you must have put alot of effort into that toon. So, my 2 cents would basiclly be:
Not to delete.
I always create the wrong sex chars:
I create Male Warrior, get him 15k Glads and decide I dont like it :| So I create a female warrior and get her 15k Glads;
I create a male ranger, Dont like 15k druids - Delete him (At Level 20 and my first ever char) And make a female ranger and get her 15k Druids
I create a male Mesmer - Dont like the way he runs, so I'm pondering weather to delete myself o_O
So, this is the wrong forum for this, but oh well, - I really want to be able to change sex' in Guild Wars

And I cant buy a character slot as I dont have a credit card >.<
Back on-topic now:
If I was in your shoes, I personally would'nt delete it - I cant bare to delete any of my toons with 15k armours. And judging by the amount of things you have on it, you must have put alot of effort into that toon. So, my 2 cents would basiclly be:
Not to delete.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
From what I heard, they will only reset the name if there is a complaint that the name is offensive. I personally want to rename my Ranger, but after putting ~1000 hours into it, I don't want to take the chance that something more than a name reset happens.
Delete him if he doesn't give you any more enjoyment, if he serves no purpose and your not having fun on him then it doesn't matter how many hours you invested in him. Unless you suddenly get amnesia you'll remember the time spent on him, no?
Don;t delete :O
You'll regret it later, what if you suddenly need your warrior for something to try out, you log out, log back in and when you want to pick your warrior, you see a level 12 female Warrior that is still stuck somewhere near the second mission.
I had that with my characters...
You'll regret it later, what if you suddenly need your warrior for something to try out, you log out, log back in and when you want to pick your warrior, you see a level 12 female Warrior that is still stuck somewhere near the second mission.
I had that with my characters...
I love all the people advising you to buy a character slot.. now I hope that you have a credit card on hand, otherwise, you can't even take their advise.
Seriously though, I found myself in a similar position with a mesmer (not a customised sephis but most 15k sets) and.. said mesmer is still around, though isn't played anymore and the new one still needs some work, but has all the skills of the last one and then some. Only reason I could do this though was that there are several spare slots on that particular account. As for deleting.. well... birthday presents + storage.... I'm not sure if I can delete her.
Seriously though, I found myself in a similar position with a mesmer (not a customised sephis but most 15k sets) and.. said mesmer is still around, though isn't played anymore and the new one still needs some work, but has all the skills of the last one and then some. Only reason I could do this though was that there are several spare slots on that particular account. As for deleting.. well... birthday presents + storage.... I'm not sure if I can delete her.
Muse of Shadows
Originally Posted by Spirit Of Azrael
If I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for hundreds of hours, that ass better be attractive.
![]() |
Anyways, my vote is for deletion. If there is something I do not like about one of my characters, whether it is the name, face, hair, hight, ect, I delete and remake. Probably the reason I have not recieved a birthday present, even though I have been playing sence beta...
Just be shure you like your new warrior before you spend anything on her - no customized weapons, 15k armor, ect. until you have played her for at least 3-4 weeks.
Originally Posted by Spirit Of Azrael
If I'm gonna stare at someone's ass for hundreds of hours, that ass better be attractive.
Count to Potato
Female warriors are so much cooler, your right but i dont think its worth it with all the time you spent for that male warrior
Spirit Of Azrael
I deleted y monk and made Irienys the Savior, my new female warrior ^.^
Thread = Over I guess
Thread = Over I guess
Priest Of Sin
you deleted your MONK? Dude, you created a WARRIOR in favor of a MONK? If that avatar wasn't so cool i'd reach through the internet and slap you...
*attempts to squeeze through ethernet cable*
*attempts to squeeze through ethernet cable*
atleast wait untill the present arrives before deletion.
Often, you wont miss/treasure something until it is gone...
but then again, if you made your male warrior shortest in the height bar, i would delete him in a heartbeat.
but then again, if you made your male warrior shortest in the height bar, i would delete him in a heartbeat.
not worth deleting an old character anymore, unless its HORRID and young, mini pets every birthday, think of it as a gold investment at the very least (reason why i keep my ugly female elementalist.)
think of all the work it will take, all the capping and all the money.
Dont do it!!!
Dont do it!!!
Spend a lot of time looking at a new character shortly after making it to be sure you like it. That's how I do things.
Better to delete before I level her up than after I've put time into her.
Better to delete before I level her up than after I've put time into her.
pay $10 for a extra char slot create the other char and see how you like it