OK... I have factions and nightfall ,since nightfall came whit an epic trial key im using that to play on prophecies .i was wondering if i buy a skill at the skill trainer and then my 14 day trial ends... after that im planning on buying prophecies if i get my new proph will i still have that skill or do i have to buy it once more?also will the areas i already explored will they stay like that or do i have to go through all the missions?? does any 1 know?

prolly the same..
The Pointless
Once your trial ends, Prophecies-specific skills will become locked until the exact moment you add the full game to your account, when the skill will become available again to use. In other words, no need to re-buy 
That was a peculiar answer...

Originally Posted by lilnate22
prolly the same..
Wrath Of Dragons
everything you do on the epic key will stay, but be unusable untill you but a retail key.