I don't know if this is the place to ask, most people will probably just say "go to farming forum"..
I recently started Gw again. I used to play pve with my monk at first, I wasn't exactly seasoned or anything. I played a lot of pvp chars after that, and didn't care much for pve.
Now I play pve again and I want my warr to look cool and have nice items ya know for gvg and that. Problem is I don't know how to get money. Sure there are several builds out there, but most of them is like (have rune of sup absorption or sup vigor) have this item with +30 health or that shield with +30 health etc.
I play a warr, basically I wanna know how people went about getting their stuff different ways, not just "use this build" (since most are outdated with new ai).
I heard elite missions are good, is that a lot of cash? or Tombs or FoW or UW etc? Does any of these group farm areas require warriors?
Basically I just want some general advice.
Getting money
Fury Incarnate
There are a lot of good farming builds out there, even with the recent nerfings. But that aside, in my experience one of the best ways to make money is simply to do quests and missions in the high-level areas of the game. Also, the Fissure of Woe often runs warriors, as do balanced Tombs groups (as opposed to Barrage/Pet ranger groups.) One of the biggest ways to make money these days is in green farming. There are tons of bosses to choose from, and many of them either require or can be done with a warrior. Elite missions can also score a lot of valuable drops and gold, if you can get a good group together to play through them. Also, possibly the biggest money-making niche for warriors is running people from town to town - You can find warrior-primary running builds for nearly any area on a site like GuildWiki. The best advice I can give you is to try different things. Eventually you'll find one or two things you like doing that net you a good profit, and after that you're set. Good luck!
Tombs isn't Warrior Friendly. The main groups that run there are B/P ranger groups - 5 Rangers, 2 Necros, and a Monk. I made a Ranger specifically for doing Tombs runs, which can easily get you 5 - 10K in about an hour.
One of the things I did to raise gold was farm the crap out of places that drop lots of armor for the materials and runes. In the higher-end areas, you can expert salvage quite a bit of rare mats from armor. I've gotten 5 steel out of 1 armor piece a couple of times, for example. At 150g each, that's 750g from that one drop.
One of the things I did to raise gold was farm the crap out of places that drop lots of armor for the materials and runes. In the higher-end areas, you can expert salvage quite a bit of rare mats from armor. I've gotten 5 steel out of 1 armor piece a couple of times, for example. At 150g each, that's 750g from that one drop.
Warrior is not too good for farming anymore.
But other than that, you'll need to aford at least the basic equipment and elites. So you'll need to finish the game first, which should leave you with a little left-over cash.
Then you can start farming, if you still choose to.
Of course, Elona is about the only place to farm now. At least profitable one.
But other than that, you'll need to aford at least the basic equipment and elites. So you'll need to finish the game first, which should leave you with a little left-over cash.
Then you can start farming, if you still choose to.
Of course, Elona is about the only place to farm now. At least profitable one.
Thanks for the input all.