Obsidian Armor and Insignias

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

I've heard that if you purchase the FoW armor without a bonus, you can add an insignia to it. Is this true? I don't want to waste ectos and shards finding out =(

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

Yeh you can add the insignias after, do you really think anet would put it there otherwise :P

- Tain -

- Tain -

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006



Yes, its true. However, you cannot use an inscription to change the stats on obsidian armor that was purchased with built-in mods. The good part about this is it gives eles a real reason to buy FoW armor.. If you don't have NF, obsidian with inscriptions is the only way an ele can get +energy armor. So for us nukers, its not JUST a showpiece, it IS more practical



Crimson King

Join Date: Jun 2006

Resplendent Makuun

Song of the Forsaken

Originally Posted by - Tain -
Yes, its true. However, you cannot use an inscription to change the stats on obsidian armor that was purchased with built-in mods. The good part about this is it gives eles a real reason to buy FoW armor.. If you don't have NF, obsidian with inscriptions is the only way an ele can get +energy armor. So for us nukers, its not JUST a showpiece, it IS more practical
Wow...you need more energy?

- Tain -

- Tain -

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by Trakata
Wow...you need more energy?
No, I don't really ever run out... but it's nice to break 100 base energy . And other than soloing, I don't do anything outside of a good group of friends/guildies so my monks do their job - no need for more hp/armor then - so why not have a little more energy to do my job better



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


you can mind shock/burn/freeze/blast other eles

Kry Onicle

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Steel Phoenix [StP]


Really hope they allow you to change existing FoW armours with insignias, even just the once. As my ele's is Aeromancer -.- before the releaser of factions.. Would be nice to change it to While enchanted.